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[英]Redundant Legends: Matplotlib

我的散點圖 plot 有多余的圖例。 這是我的 plot 的圖像。 在此處輸入圖像描述

在這個問題上,我已經在 StackOverflow 上檢查了以下現有問題: matplotlib 中的數組列數據太多圖例

盡管如此,它並沒有幫助。 我想我遇到了一個完全不同的問題。 請告訴我如何解決這個問題。


import matplotlib.cm as cm
colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, N_Clus))
cluster_labels_2 = list(range(1, N_Clus+1))
print("cluster_labels: ", cluster_labels_2)
# Create a figure
for color, label in zip(colors, np.asarray(cluster_labels_2).flatten()):
    subset = WorkingDF2[WorkingDF2.Cluster == label]    
    for i in subset.index:
        x=np.asarray(subset["Standardized COVID-19 Index"][i]).flatten()
        y=np.asarray(subset["Standardized CSS Index"][i]).flatten() 
        plt.text(x, y, str(subset['Neighbourhood'][i]), rotation=25) 
        s += 1
        plt.scatter(x, y, c=np.array([color]), label='cluster'+str(label),alpha=0.5)
plt.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel('Standardized COVID-19 Index', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('Standardized CSS Index', fontsize=18)
plt.title("[Hierarchical Clustering: {} Cluster] \n 
 Mapping of Non-Outlier Neighbourhoods \n 
 onto Standardized CSS-COVID19 Indices Space \n
 ".format(N_Clus), fontsize=18)
print('# of Neighbours: ', s)


plt.scatter(x, y, c=np.array([color]), label='cluster'+str(label),alpha=0.5)

在這里,您給彩色點一個 label 'cluster' + str(label)即使這樣的 label 已經存在,所以plt.legend()將創建許多相同的圖例元素。 如果它不是新的,我會跟蹤以前的標簽並將當前情節的一個設置為None ,以便plt.legend()忽略它。

請注意,您的命名選擇可能會有點混亂,因為 matplotlib 使用“標簽”作為出現在圖例中的曲線的名稱,而您將其用作簇編號。 我們可以稱之為cluster_number嗎?


import matplotlib.cm as cm

colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, N_Clus))
cluster_labels_2 = list(range(1, N_Clus+1))
print("cluster_labels: ", cluster_labels_2)

# Create a figure.
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
clusters_already_in_the_legend = []
for color, cluster_number in zip(colors, np.asarray(cluster_labels_2).flatten()):
    subset = WorkingDF2[WorkingDF2.Cluster == cluster_number]    
    for i in subset.index:
        x = np.asarray(subset["Standardized COVID-19 Index"][i]).flatten()
        y = np.asarray(subset["Standardized CSS Index"][i]).flatten() 
        plt.text(x, y, str(subset['Neighbourhood'][i]), rotation=25) 
        s += 1

        # Keeping track of the labels so that we don't legend them multiple times.
        if cluster_number not in clusters_already_in_the_legend:
            label = f"Cluster {cluster_number}"
            label = None
        plt.scatter(x, y, c=np.array([color]), label=label, alpha=0.5)

plt.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel('Standardized COVID-19 Index', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('Standardized CSS Index', fontsize=18)
plt.title("[Hierarchical Clustering: {} Cluster] \n 
 Mapping of Non-Outlier Neighbourhoods \n 
 onto Standardized CSS-COVID19 Indices Space \n
 ".format(N_Clus), fontsize=18)
print('# of Neighbours: ', s)


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