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Apollo-server-express 返回“無法獲取 /”而不是 Graphql 游樂場

[英]Apollo-server-express returning “cannot Get /” instead of the Graphql playground

所以我按照阿波羅文檔教程https://www.apollographql.com/docs/tutorial/introduction/為我的 server.js 和 schema.js 提供了這段代碼


import apollo from "apollo-server-express";
const { ApolloServer } = apollo;
import express from "express";
import typeDefs from "./schema.js";

const app = express();
const server = new ApolloServer({
  playground: true,

server.applyMiddleware({ app });

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 4000;
app.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`operating on port ${PORT}`);


import pkg from "apollo-server-express"
const { gql } = pkg

// defining schema
 const typeDefs = gql`
  type Launch {
    id: ID!
    site: String
    mission: Mission
    rocket: Rocket
    isBooked: Boolean!
  type Rocket {
    id: ID!
    name: String
    type: String

  type User {
    id: ID!
    email: String!
    trips: [Launch]!

  type Mission {
    name: String
    missionPatch(size: PatchSize): String

  enum PatchSize {
  type Query {
    launches: [Launch]!
    launch(id: ID!): Launch
    me: User
  type Mutation {
    bookTrips(launchIds: [ID]!): TripUpdateResponse!
    cancelTrip(launchId: ID!): TripUpdateResponse!
    login(email: String): String # login token
  type TripUpdateResponse {
    success: Boolean!
    message: String
    launches: [Launch]
export default typeDefs

我所做的唯一調整是選擇 ES 模塊導入/導出模塊的方法,而不是文檔中使用的 commonJS 方式,我認為這應該不是問題,它編譯沒有錯誤,但不是讓 graphql 操場看到我的架構,我得到一個cannot Get /

我還沒有完成解析器,但在這一點上,我相信我應該已經看到 Playground 的運行了。 根據文檔

使用applyMiddleware ,如果沒有明確指定路徑,則默認為/graphql

這意味着您將在localhost:${PORT}/graphql訪問端點和 GraphQL Playground 接口,而不是localhost:${PORT} (這是您根據錯誤消息執行的操作)。


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