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Google Cloud Platform 中的 SSH 連接有問題

[英]Have problem with SSH connection in Google Cloud Platform

我無法連接到我的 VM 實例。 防火牆中的“default-allow-ssh”規則是“允許”。 我想也許日志有幫助:

Aug 30 09:23:24 my-vm google-accounts: ERROR Exception calling the response handler. [Errno 2] No usable temporary directory found in ['/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/usr/tmp', '/'].#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/google_compute_engine/metadata_watcher.py", line 200, in WatchMetadata#012    handler(response)#012  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/google_compute_engine/accounts/accounts_daemon.py", line 285, in HandleAccounts#012    self.utils.SetConfiguredUsers(desired_users.keys())#012  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/google_compute_engine/accounts/accounts_utils.py", line 318, in SetConfiguredUsers#012    mode='w', prefix=prefix, delete=True) as updated_users:#012  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/tempfile.py", line 681, in NamedTemporaryFile#012    prefix, suffix, dir, output_type = _sanitize_params(prefix, suffix, dir)#012  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/tempfile.py", line 269, in _sanitize_params#012    dir = gettempdir()#012  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/tempfile.py", line 437, in gettempdir#012    tempdir = _get_default_tempdir()#012  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/tempfile.py", line 372, in _get_default_tempdir#012    dirlist)#012FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No usable temporary directory found in ['/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/usr/tmp', '/']
Aug 30 09:23:30 my-vm systemd[1]: snapd.service: State 'stop-sigterm' timed out. Killing.
Aug 30 09:23:30 my-vm systemd[1]: snapd.service: Killing process 15472 (snapd) with signal SIGKILL.
Aug 30 09:23:30 my-vm systemd[1]: snapd.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Aug 30 09:23:30 my-vm systemd[1]: snapd.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
Aug 30 09:23:30 my-vm systemd[1]: Failed to start Snap Daemon.
Aug 30 09:23:31 my-vm systemd[1]: snapd.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
Aug 30 09:23:31 my-vm systemd[1]: snapd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 939.
Aug 30 09:23:31 my-vm systemd[1]: Stopped Snap Daemon.
Aug 30 09:23:31 my-vm systemd[1]: Starting Snap Daemon...
Aug 30 09:23:31 my-vm snapd[15582]: AppArmor status: apparmor is enabled and all features are available
Aug 30 09:23:31 my-vm snapd[15582]: AppArmor status: apparmor is enabled and all features are available

發生這種情況的主要原因是您的磁盤存儲空間已滿 如果您有其他類型的 VM 訪問權限,例如使用串行控制台連接,請通過它檢查您的磁盤空間分配狀態,並嘗試釋放一些空間或添加額外的數據存儲(如果已滿)。


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