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Swift - 序列化包含對象數組的對象並使用 alamofire 發送

[英]Swift - Serialize object containing array of objects and send with alamofire

我需要使用 Alamofire 發送帶有類作為參數的 post 請求。 我的班級包含其他班級的數組,因此我被卡住了。

class CreateRecordData{
    var RecordDate: String?
    var RecordType: String?
    var SubType: String?
    var Name: String?
    var MovementRecords: [RecordMovementData]?
    var MeasurementId: Int?
    var SensorType: String?

class RecordMovementData{
    var FrameRate: Int?
    var JointType: String?
    var Samples: [MovementSampleData]?
    var RecordId: Int?

class MovementSampleData {
    var Id: Int?
    var TimeStamp: Int64?
    var X: Float?
    var Y: Float?
    var Z: Float?

我是 swift 的新手,在一段時間內無法完成。


我需要 CreateRecordData 類使用 alamofire 作為參數發送。


添加 Encodable 后的類

class CreateRecordData: Encodable{
    var RecordDate: String?
    var RecordType: String?
    var SubType: String?
    var Name: String?
    var AudioRecords: [AudioData]?
    var MovementRecords: [RecordMovementData]?
    var MeasurementId: Int?
    var SensorType: String?

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case RecordDate
        case RecordType
        case SubType
        case Name
        case AudioRecords
        case MovementRecords
        case MeasurementId
        case SensorType
    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        try container.encode(RecordDate, forKey: .RecordDate)
        try container.encode(RecordType, forKey: .RecordType)
        try container.encode(SubType, forKey: .SubType)
        try container.encode(Name, forKey: .Name)
        try container.encode(AudioRecords, forKey: .AudioRecords)
        try container.encode(MovementRecords, forKey: .MovementRecords)
        try container.encode(MeasurementId, forKey: .MeasurementId)
        try container.encode(SensorType, forKey: .SensorType)

class RecordMovementData: Encodable{
    var FrameRate: Int?
    var JointType: String?
    var Samples: [MovementSampleData]?
    var RecordId: Int?

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey{
        case FrameRate
        case JointType
        case Samples
        case RecordId
    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws{
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        try container.encode(FrameRate, forKey: .FrameRate)
        try container.encode(JointType, forKey: .JointType)
        try container.encode(Samples, forKey: .Samples)
        try container.encode(RecordId, forKey: .RecordId)

class MovementSampleData: Encodable {
    var Id: Int?
    var TimeStamp: Int64?
    var X: Float?
    var Y: Float?
    var Z: Float?

    enum CodingKeys: CodingKey{
        case Id
        case TimeStamp
        case X
        case Y
        case Z
    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws{
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        try container.encode(Id, forKey: .Id)
        try container.encode(TimeStamp, forKey: .TimeStamp)
        try container.encode(X, forKey: .X)
        try container.encode(Y, forKey: .Y)
        try container.encode(Z, forKey: .Z)

還有一件事要提。 a 不要直接使用 CreateRecordData 作為參數。 我用該類的數據創建字典,如下所示:

let recordParams: [String:Any] = [
            "RecordDate": recordData.RecordDate!,
            "RecordType": recordData.RecordType!,
            "SubType": recordData.SubType!,
            "Name": recordData.Name!,
            "AudioRecords": "",
            "MovementRecords": recordData.MovementRecords!,
            "MeasurementId": "\(recordData.MeasurementId!)",
            "SensorType": recordData.SensorType!

        AF.request("https://repac-fe-v1-webapp.azurewebsites.net/api/record",method: .post, parameters: recordParams, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: header).responseJSON { response in



由於 JSON 中的鍵與模型屬性的名稱相同,因此您可以省略模型類中的CodingKeys枚舉。 此外,由於您沒有在編碼中進行自定義操作,因此可以完全省略encode(to:)函數的實現:

class AudioData: Encodable {
    // This class is missing from the posted code

class CreateRecordData: Encodable {
    var RecordDate: String?
    var RecordType: String?
    var SubType: String?
    var Name: String?
    var AudioRecords: [AudioData]?
    var MovementRecords: [RecordMovementData]?
    var MeasurementId: Int?
    var SensorType: String?

class RecordMovementData: Encodable {
    var FrameRate: Int?
    var JointType: String?
    var Samples: [MovementSampleData]?
    var RecordId: Int?

class MovementSampleData: Encodable {
    var Id: Int?
    var TimeStamp: Int64?
    var X: Float?
    var Y: Float?
    var Z: Float?

使用Encodable對象作為參數發出 post 請求比您想象的要簡單。 您只需調用將encoder而不是encoding作為參數的request方法:

let recordParams = CreateRecordData() // Set the class values here

    method: .post,
    parameters: recordParams,
    encoder: JSONParameterEncoder.default,
    headers: header
).responseJSON { response in


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