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[英]How do I create a manager class to hold certain variables without abusing static?

Java n00b 在這里。 我正在為 Minecraft 服務器制作一個插件,我想使用一個類來保存插件的所有變量:

public class BwMgr {

    Boolean enabled = false;

    final HashSet<Player> red = new HashSet<>();
    final HashSet<Player> green = new HashSet<>();
    final HashSet<Player> blue = new HashSet<>();
    final HashSet<Player> orange = new HashSet<>();
    final HashSet<Player> purple = new HashSet<>();
    final HashSet<Player> yellow = new HashSet<>();
    final HashSet<Player> black = new HashSet<>();
    final HashSet<Player> white = new HashSet<>();

    public void assignTeams() {



每個 HashSet 都應該包含玩家團隊。 其他類將訪問布爾值以確定插件是否已啟用:

public class BwListener implements Listener {

    private final BwMgr bwMgr = new BwMgr();

    public void onPlayerJoinEvent(PlayerJoinEvent e) {
        if (bwMgr.enabled) {
            // do stuff


public class BwCmd implements CommandExecutor {

    private BwMgr bwMgr = new BwMgr();

    public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) {
        if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("bw")) {
            if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("enable")) {
                bwMgr.enabled = true;             
            } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("disable")) {
                bwMgr.enabled = false;
        return false;

當然,由於每個類使用BwMgr的不同實例,它們使用不同版本的 Boolean enabled 我可以將static放在BwMgr的所有內容前面,但我覺得那會是一種濫用。 任何想法將不勝感激。

您需要通過 BwCmd 和 BwListener 的構造函數傳遞BwMgr的相同實例。

所以在 BwCmd 中應該是這樣的:

    public class BwCmd implements CommandExecutor {

    private BwMgr bwMgr;

    // Pass through the constructor an instance of BwMgr.
    public BwCmd(BwMgr bwMgr) {
        this.bwMgr = bwMgr;
    public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) {
        if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("bw")) {
            if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("enable")) {
                bwMgr.enabled = true;             
            } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("disable")) {
                bwMgr.enabled = false;
        return false;

BwListener 類:

    public class BwListener implements Listener {

    private final BwMgr bwMgr;
    // Pass through the constructor an instance of BwMgr.
    public BwListener(BwMgr bwMgr) {
        this.bwMgr = bwMgr;

    public void onPlayerJoinEvent(PlayerJoinEvent e) {
        if (bwMgr.enabled) {
            // do stuff


// Create one instance of bwMgr.
BwMgr bwMgr = new BwMgr();

// Initialize BwListener and BwCmd with the same BwMgr.
BwListener bwListener = new BwListener(bwMgr);
BwCmd bwCmd = new BwCmd(bwMgr);


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