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[英]How can I make sure that the user did not enter his/her entire name in the First Text Field named as "First Name"

這個問題說要求用戶提供“名字”和“姓氏”,然后顯示消息 Welcome with the full name 。 還要確保用戶沒有在第一個只要求輸入名字的文本字段中輸入他/她的全名我認為如果用戶在第一個文本字段中輸入他/她的全名,我們可以從事實中知道他/她輸入了空格或 (' ') 與否。 如果沒有,我們可以簡單地顯示消息 Welcome + full name 。 然而,它並沒有像我想象的那樣工作......有人可以幫我在這里輸入圖片描述


代碼: public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Properties
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    String firstName, lastName

    // Ask the user for their first name
    System.out.println("What is your first name? ");
    System.out.print("--> "); // this is for style and not needed
    firstName = keyboard.next();

    // Ask the user for their last name
    System.out.println("What is your last name? ");
    System.out.print("--> "); // this is for style and not needed
    lastName = keyboard.next();

    // Display the data
    System.out.println("Your first name is : " + firstName);
    System.out.println("Your last name is : " + lastName);


實際上有幾種方法可以做到這一點,但如果我正確理解你的問題,下面是一個簡單的方法,它來自http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/c2/ex6-ans.html並幫助了我在我學習 Java 時更了解它,您只需根據需要對其進行更改即可。


public static void main(String[] args) {
    String input;     // The input line entered by the user.
    int space;        // The location of the space in the input.
    String firstName; // The first name, extracted from the input.
    String lastName;  // The last name, extracted from the input.
    System.out.println("Please enter your first name and last name, separated by a space.");
    System.out.print("? ");
    input = TextIO.getln();
    space = input.indexOf(' ');
    firstName = input.substring(0, space);
    lastName = input.substring(space+1);
    System.out.println("Your first name is " + firstName + ", which has "
                              + firstName.length() + " characters.");
    System.out.println("Your last name is " + lastName + ", which has "
                              + lastName.length() + " characters.");
    System.out.println("Your initials are " + firstName.charAt(0) + lastName.charAt(0));



關於類似問題的更多注釋。 https://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/java/substring.html

您的代碼的問題是,您檢查每個字符,然后對每個字符執行 if/else。 這意味着如果最后一個字符不是空格,它將在最后處理 else 樹。


if(fn.contains(' '){
    //Do what you want to do, if both names were entered in the first field
    //Everything is fine


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