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如何使用帶有溢出的 scrollIntoView:隱藏而不滾動頁面?

[英]How to use scrollIntoView with overflow:hidden and without scrolling the page?

如何在overflow:hidden容器上使用 scrollIntoView overflow:hidden並且它不應該滾動頁面?

這是一個示例:在容器<div class="cnt'>中的頁面文本底部,它具有固定寬度和溢出隱藏。我想在不滾動頁面的情況下滾動此容器中的項目。

在頁面頂部的兩個按鈕滾動到第一個和最后一個元素。 如果我單擊按鈕,它將滾動容器中的文本並滾動到頁面底部的該容器。

我不能使用 scrollLeft 因為溢出是隱藏的。 :(


 const cnt = document.querySelector('.cnt') const spanElements = cnt.querySelectorAll('span'); const lastSpan = spanElements[spanElements.length - 1] const firstSpan = spanElements[0] lastSpan.scrollIntoView() const buttons = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('button')) const [buttonToFirstEl, buttonToLastEl] = buttons; buttonToFirstEl.onclick = function() { firstSpan.scrollIntoView() } buttonToLastEl.onclick = function() { lastSpan.scrollIntoView() }
 .cnt { width: 90px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; padding: 8px; border: solid #ccc 1px; } .filler { width: 100%; height: 200px; border: dashed 2px #ccc; margin: 20px; } .root { border: solid 1px; }
 <div class="root"> <button id="button">scroll to first element</button> <button id="button">scroll to last element</button> <div class="filler"> </div> <div class="filler"> </div> <div class="filler"> </div> <div class="filler"> </div> <div class="cnt"> <span> first:tessst </span> <span> 2:dddd </span> <span> 3:cccddd </span> <span> 4:rreeee </span> <span> last:dddrreddd </span> </div> </div>


如果你想在 .cnt 類中滾動元素


  • 您需要在 .cnt 中為每個跨度設置樣式

.cnt 跨度{

 /* relative + block for make elements solid & listed*/ position : relative; display : block;
 color: red; font-size : 16px;


  • 在 .cnt 父級中,您需要定義高度以使滾動工作

.cnt {

  width: 90px;

  /* for example 28px */
  height : 28px;

  overflow: hidden;
  white-space: nowrap;
  padding: 4px;
  border: solid black 1px;

  /* overflow y or x for making scroll*/
  overflow-y : scroll;


  • 我希望這些步驟可以幫助你

為了正確地做到這一點(即支持所有寫入模式、方向和塊內聯選項),您基本上必須從頭開始重寫scrollIntoView ,同時省略向上滾動框樹的循環。 這不是一項微不足道的任務。


 const cnt = document.querySelector('.cnt') const spanElements = cnt.querySelectorAll('span'); const lastSpan = spanElements[spanElements.length - 1] const firstSpan = spanElements[0] const buttons = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('button')) const [buttonToFirstEl, buttonToLastEl] = buttons; buttonToFirstEl.onclick = function() { scrollIntoParentView( firstSpan ); } buttonToLastEl.onclick = function() { scrollIntoParentView( lastSpan ); } function scrollIntoParentView( elem, options ) { const directions = getSimpleScrollIntoViewDirections( elem, options ); const left = directions.inline_direction || 0; const top = directions.block_direction || 0; const new_options = { left, top, behavior: (options && options.behavior) || "auto" }; directions.scrolling_box.scrollBy( new_options ); } function getSimpleScrollIntoViewDirections( elem, { block = "start", inline = "start" } = {} ) { const element_bbox = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); const scrolling_box = getNearestScrollingBox( elem ); const scrolling_box_bbox = scrolling_box.getBoundingClientRect(); const block_direction = Math.round( element_bbox.top - scrolling_box_bbox.top); const inline_direction = Math.round( element_bbox.left - scrolling_box_bbox.left); return { scrolling_box, block_direction, inline_direction }; } function getNearestScrollingBox( elem ) { if( !elem.isConnected ) { return null; } const elem_computed_styles = getComputedStyle( elem ); // not in specs, but that seems to be what browser implementations do if( elem_computed_styles.getPropertyValue( 'position' ) === "fixed" ) { return null; } const scrolling_box = elem.parentElement; if( !scrolling_box ) { return elem === document.scrollingElement ? null : document.scrollingElement; } const computed_styles = getComputedStyle( scrolling_box ); const scroll_x = computed_styles.getPropertyValue( "overflow-x"); const scroll_y = computed_styles.getPropertyValue( "overflow-y"); if( (scroll_x === 'clip' && scroll_y === 'clip') || (scrolling_box.offsetHeight <= scrolling_box.scrollingHeight) || (scrolling_box.offsetWidth <= scrolling_box.scrollingWidth) ) { return getNearestScrollingBox( scrolling_box ); } return scrolling_box; }
 .cnt { width: 90px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; padding: 8px; border: solid #ccc 1px; } .filler { width: 100%; height: 200px; border: dashed 2px #ccc; margin: 20px; } .root { border: solid 1px; }
 <div class="root"> <button id="button">scroll to first element</button> <button id="button">scroll to last element</button> <div class="filler"> </div> <div class="filler"> </div> <div class="filler"> </div> <div class="filler"> </div> <div class="cnt"> <span> first:tessst </span> <span> 2:dddd </span> <span> 3:cccddd </span> <span> 4:rreeee </span> <span> last:dddrreddd </span> </div> </div>

scrollLeftscrollTopoverflow:hidden配合得很好。 我在第一個 span 元素而不是它的容器上檢查scrollLeft屬性

更改span的父元素上的scrollLeft ,解決這個問題

 firstSpan.parentElement.scrollLeft = 0;

 const cnt = document.querySelector('.cnt') const spanElements = cnt.querySelectorAll('span'); const lastSpan = spanElements[spanElements.length - 1] const firstSpan = spanElements[0] lastSpan.scrollIntoView() const buttons = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('button')) const [buttonToFirstEl, buttonToLastEl] = buttons; buttonToFirstEl.onclick = function() { firstSpan.parentElement.scrollLeft = 0; } buttonToLastEl.onclick = function() { const cnt = lastSpan.parentElement; cnt.scrollLeft = cnt.scrollWidth; }
 .cnt { width: 90px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; padding: 8px; border: solid #ccc 1px; } .filler { width: 100%; height: 200px; border: dashed 2px #ccc; margin: 20px; } .root { border: solid 1px; }
 <div class="root"> <button id="button">scroll to first element</button> <button id="button">scroll to last element</button> <div class="filler"> </div> <div class="filler"> </div> <div class="filler"> </div> <div class="filler"> </div> <div class="cnt"> <span> first:tessst </span> <span> 2:dddd </span> <span> 3:cccddd </span> <span> 4:rreeee </span> <span> last:dddrreddd </span> </div> </div>


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