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試圖理解 VSCode API 中的 Thennables。 這些是等效的打字稿代碼片段嗎?

[英]Trying to uderstand Thennables in the VSCode API. Are these equivalent typescript code snippets?

我想對 VSCode API 中的文檔執行一系列編輯。 使這一切發生的函數是Workspace.applyEdit ,它返回一個Thennable 這是我第一次使用這些,並且此函數返回的函數與我預期的不一樣。

片段 1:

import { window, workspace, WorkspaceEdit, Position } from 'vscode';

//doesn't work, only makes first insertion, althouh all info text prints
export function applyEditReprex() {
    let text = "\ntest\n";
    let target = window.activeTextEditor.document.uri;
    let positions = [
        new Position(10, 1),
        new Position(15, 1),
        new Position(20, 1)
    positions.reduce((applyThennable, position) => {
        return (
            applyThennable.then(() => {
                console.info("Making new edit");
                let edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
                edit.insert(target, position, text);
    ).then(() => {
        console.info("Finished edits.");

在第 12 行的目標文檔中只出現了一個“test”實例。日志報告:

Making new edit
Making new edit
Making new edit
Finished edits.

片段 2:


import { window, workspace, WorkspaceEdit, Position } from 'vscode';

export function applyEditReprex2() {
    let text = "\ntest\n";
    let target = window.activeTextEditor.document.uri;
    let positions = [
        new Position(10, 1),
        new Position(15, 1),
        new Position(20, 1)
    console.info("Making new edit");
    let edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
    edit.insert(target, positions[0], text);
    workspace.applyEdit(edit).then(() => {
        console.info("Making new edit");
        let edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
        edit.insert(target, positions[1], text);
        workspace.applyEdit(edit).then(() => {
            console.info("Making new edit");
            let edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
            edit.insert(target, positions[2], text);
            workspace.applyEdit(edit).then(() => {
                console.info("Finished edits.");

目標文件中的第 12、17、22 行出現了 3 個“test”實例。


Making new edit
Making new edit
Making new edit
Finished edits.

是否有任何我可能不知道的reduce或胖箭頭函數的復雜性可能導致第一個片段的行為與展開版本不同? 或者另一種方式:展開的版本在某些重要方面不等同於reduce嗎?

您忘記從承諾的 .then .then()回調中return thenable 對象,這對於承諾鏈接至關重要

positions.reduce((prevPromise, position) => {
    return prevPromise.then(() => {
        console.info("Making new edit");
        const edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
        edit.insert(target, position, text);
        const applyThenable = workspace.applyEdit(edit);
        return applyThenable;
//      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
}, Promise.resolve())

順便說一句,我從您鏈接的文檔中對 API 的理解是,您應該只制作一個帶有多個插入的WorkspaceEdit

const positions = [
    new Position(10, 1),
    new Position(15, 1),
    new Position(20, 1)
const edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
for (const position in positions) {
    edit.insert(target, position, text);
workspace.applyEdit(edit).then(() => {
    console.info("Finished multi-edit.");


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