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錯誤:Yup 驗證的循環依賴

[英]Error: Cyclic dependency with Yup Validation

我有這個 Yup 驗證模式,其中包括對 min_amount 和 max_amount 值的檢查。 我在 ReactJS 表格上使用它。

const amountsSchema = yup.object({
  min_amount: yup.number()
    .transform((v, o) => (o === '' ? null : v))
    .typeError('min_amount must be a number')
    .when('max_amount', {
      is: '',
      then: yup.number().min(1),
      otherwise: yup.number().lessThan(yup.ref('max_amount'), 'min_amount must be less than maximum amount'),

  max_amount: yup.number()
    .transform((v, o) => (o === '' ? null : v))
    .typeError('max_amount must be a number')
    .when('min_amount', {
      is: '',
      then: yup.number().min(1),
      otherwise: yup.number().moreThan(yup.ref('min_amount'), 'max_amount must be greater than minimum amount'),



如何正確編寫架構,以便無論用戶首先/最后填寫哪個字段,架構都會在用戶填寫表單時正確比較這兩個字段? 啟發我這樣寫的是,以前是這樣的:

const amountsSchema = yup.object({
  min_amount: yup.number()
    .transform((v, o) => (o === '' ? null : v))
    .typeError('min_amount must be a number')

  max_amount: yup.number()
    .transform((v, o) => (o === '' ? null : v))
    .typeError('max_amount must be a number')
    .moreThan(yup.ref('min_amount'), 'max_amount must be greater than minimum amount')

用戶可以先填寫 max_amount,然后填寫更大的 min_amount 並繞過驗證。


const amountsSchema = yup.object().shape({
  min_amount: yup.number()
    .transform((v, o) => (o === '' ? null : v))
    .typeError('min_amount must be a number')
    .when('max_amount', {
      is: '',
      then: yup.number().min(1),
      otherwise: yup.number().lessThan(yup.ref('max_amount'), 'min_amount must be less than maximum amount'),

  max_amount: yup.number()
    .transform((v, o) => (o === '' ? null : v))
    .typeError('max_amount must be a number')
    .when('min_amount', {
      is: '',
      then: yup.number().min(1),
      otherwise: yup.number().moreThan(yup.ref('min_amount'), 'max_amount must be greater than minimum amount'),
}, ['max_amount', 'min_amount']);


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