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[英]Regular expression to parse multi-line string

我正在從 Clearquest 記錄中提取筆記日志(是的,我知道,CQ 非常古老),其中包括一些我需要用雙引號封裝並用分號分隔的項目,基本上使其可作為評論導入 jira。 以下是注釋日志可能包含的內容的示例。 這被存儲在 perl 中的一個變量中。

===== State: In_Work by:user1 at 12/13/2010 10:47:23 =====

Generic notes log entry that can span multiple lines depending on length
of sentence.

===== State: In_Work by:user2 at 06/04/2010 17:34:42 =====

Another generic notes log entry.


my @notes_log_entries = ("\"12/13/2010 10:47:23;user1;Generic notes log entry that can span multiple lines depending on length\r\nof sentance\"", "\"06/04/2010 17:34:42;user2;Another generic notes log entry.\"");


$Notes_Log = $resultset->GetColumnValue(7);
print "Notes Log Before: $Notes_Log\n";
$Notes_Log =~ s/\R//g;
$Notes_Log =~ s/^===== State: .* by:(.*) at (.*) =====(.*)===== State: .* by:(.*) at (.*) =====(.*)/rtx-$1;$2;$3\nrtx-$4;$5;$6/g;
print "Notes Log After:\n$Notes_Log\n";


Notes Log Before:
===== State: In_Work by:user1 at 12/13/2010 10:47:23 =====

Generic notes log entry that can span multiple lines depending on length
of sentence.

===== State: In_Work by:user2 at 06/04/2010 17:34:42 =====

Another generic notes log entry.

Notes Log After:
rtx-user1;12/13/2010 10:47:23;Generic notes log entry that can span multiple lines depending on length
of sentence.
rtx-user2;06/04/2010 17:34:42;Another generic notes log entry.


my @notes_log_entries = ();

while ($Notes_Log =~ s/===== State: .* by:(.*) at (.*) =====\R\R([\w\s.]*)\R?\R?//) {
    my $single_entry .= '"'.$2.';'.$1.';'.$3.'"';
    $single_entry =~ s/\s\s//g;
    push(@notes_log_entries, $single_entry);    

while 循環經常幫助我創建正則表達式,因為它降低了實際正則表達式的復雜性。


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