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如何在 Yosemite OS X 的 Safari 8 中復制到剪貼板?

[英]How do I copy to clipboard in Safari 8 on Yosemite OS X?

我正在運行confluence並在 Yosemite 操作系統上使用 Safari 8 訪問它。 Confluence 有一個很好的功能,稱為“ 共享頁面”,它會生成一個TinyURL並允許用戶單擊下面顯示的“復制”按鈕,將微小的 URL 復制到您的剪貼板。


單擊“復制”然后嘗試粘貼(使用 CRTL-V)在 Safari v8 中不起作用,但在 Yosemite 上的 Firefox Quantum v60 中起作用。 但是,先執行 CRTL-C 再執行 CRTL-V 對 Safari v8 和 Firefox 60 都有效。

如何讓“復制”按鈕在 Safari v8 上工作?

我挖得更深一點,發現 javascript 文件執行下面的“復制到剪貼板”功能。 在“在 Firefox 60 中工作,而不是 Safari 8”下面的最后查找我的評論。 該行應該將 Tiny URL 復制到剪貼板。 它在 Firefox 中成功,但在 Safari 中沒有成功。我如何更改代碼以使其在 Safari 8 中工作?

define('confluence/share-page/popup/setup-share-link', [
], function ($,
             showMessage) {

     * Resolves the link. If it's a function, it will evaluate it, otherwise
     * it will just return it if it's a string, or return window.location if it's not
     * either of those things.
     * @param {function|string} link
     * @private
    function _resolveLink(link) {
        if (typeof link === 'function') {
            return $.when(link());
        if (typeof link === 'string') {
            return $.when(link);
        return $.when(window.location);

     * Adds analytics parameters to link. Returns the new link with query
     * parameters concatenated.
     * @param {string} link
     * @private
    function _addAnalyticsToLink(link) {
        if (("" + link).indexOf('resumedraft.action') === -1) {
            return link;

        var analyticsQueryParamString = 'src=shareui' +
            '&src.shareui.timestamp=' + (new Date()).getTime();

        var firstChar;
        if (window.location.search.length === 0) {
            firstChar = '?';
        } else {
            firstChar = '&';

        return link + firstChar + analyticsQueryParamString;

     * Sets up the Share Link and button to copy the link to clipboard
     * @param $container
     * @param parameters        The dialog's parameters passed-through
    return function setupShareLink($container, parameters) {
        var $row = $container.find('.share-copy-link');
        var $shareLink = $row.find('input');
        var $copyButton = $row.find('button');
        // Don't set it up if it doesn't exist
        if (!$shareLink.length) {

        // Set the default link, then get the real link and update it;
        _resolveLink(parameters.link).then(function (link) {
            link = _addAnalyticsToLink(link);

        $shareLink.on('click focus',
             * Select all the contents of the input field on click
            function (e) {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 0);

        $shareLink.focus(function () {
            analyticsService.publish(analyticsService.SHARE_LINK_CLICKED, parameters.entityId, parameters.shareType);
        $copyButton.click(function () {
            analyticsService.publish(analyticsService.SHARE_LINK_COPY_CLICKED, parameters.entityId, parameters.shareType);
        $shareLink.dblclick(function () {
            analyticsService.publish(analyticsService.SHARE_LINK_DOUBLE_CLICKED, parameters.entityId, parameters.shareType);

        $shareLink.blur(function () {

        $(document).off('copy.share-link').on('copy.share-link', function () {
            if (!$shareLink.data('selected')) {
            analyticsService.publish(analyticsService.SHARE_LINK_COPIED, parameters.entityId, parameters.shareType);
            showMessage($row, 'copied', parameters, false, function () {
                $copyButton.prop('disabled', true);
            }, function () {
                $copyButton.prop('disabled', false);

         * Select all the contents of the input field when the mouse
         * is there
        function _selectLink() {
            $shareLink.data('selected', true);

         * Copies the link to the clipboard
        function _copy() {
            document.execCommand('copy'); // *** works in Firefox 60, not Safari 8

這是原始copyText中的 copyText。

 var doc, nav, I, copyText; // for use on other loads addEventListener('load', function(){ doc = document; nav = navigator; I = function(id){ return doc.getElementById(id); } if(nav.clipboard){ copyText = function(fromNode){ fromNode.select(); nav.clipboard.writeText(fromNode.value.trim()); } } else{ copyText = function(fromNode){ fromNode.select(); doc.execCommand('copy'); } } // magic under here - except end load var test = I('test'), test_button = I('test_button'); test_button.onclick = function(){ copyText(test); } }); // end load
 <input id='test' type='text' value='' /><input id='test_button' type='button' value='copy' />


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