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如何使用 Oracle 10g 在 Spring JPA 存儲庫中獲取分頁結果

[英]How to get paginated result in Spring JPA repository using Oracle 10g


public interface AI_DpEntriesRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<AI_DpEntries, Long>{

    @Query(value = "select a.*,m.description,m.name from AI_DPENTRIES a,"
            + "MEDICALHIERARCHY m where PAGEID in (select pageid from PAGES where caseid=8960)"
            + " and a.HID=m.ID",nativeQuery = true)
    Page<AI_DpEntries> getLabAIDpEntries(Pageable pageable);


public class AIDpEntryServiceImpl implements AIDpEntryService{
    private AI_DpEntriesRepository aiDpEntryRepository;

    public Page<AI_DpEntries> getAIDpEntries(int page,int size) {
     Pageable pageRequest = PageRequest.of(page, 5);
     Page<AI_DpEntries> pageResult = aiDpEntryRepository.getLabAIDpEntries(pageRequest);
     List<AI_DpEntries> dpEntries = pageResult.getContent().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());
     return new PageImpl<>(dpEntries, pageRequest, pageResult.getTotalElements());
     //return aiDpEntryRepository.getLabAIDpEntries();


獲取java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException:ORA-00904:“A”:來自存儲庫調用本身的無效標識符 我究竟做錯了什么? 如果我將 size 參數值作為 Integer.MAX_VALUE 傳遞,它當前將返回所有記錄。 但我的要求是每頁獲得 5 條記錄

此處的解決方案 - 需要計數查詢以及將返回相同編號的本機查詢。 由本機查詢返回的行數(從問題中查詢的 PS-Minor 更改)

public interface AI_DpEntriesRepository extends JpaRepository<AI_DpEntries, Long>{

@Query(value = "select a.*,m.description,m.name from AI_DPENTRIES a,
MEDICALHIERARCHY m where PAGEID in (select pageid from PAGES where caseid=8960) and a.HID=m.ID And (a.REVIEW_IND != 'D' OR a.REVIEW_IND IS NULL),
countQuery = "select * from AI_DPENTRIES where PAGEID in (select pageid from PAGES where caseid=8960) and (REVIEW_IND != 'D' OR REVIEW_IND IS NULL)",nativeQuery = true)

public Page<AI_DpEntries> getLabAIDpEntries(Pageable pageable);



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