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[英]How to remove text from the beginning of a string based on condition?


'Reuters - Life is beautiful.'
'agency.com - China\'s currency remains pegged to the dollar and the US currency\'s sharp falls in recent months have therefore made - Chinese export prices highly competitive.'
'AP - The number of days that beaches closed or posted warnings because of pollution rose sharply in 2003 due to more rainfall, increased monitoring and tougher -standards, an environmental group said on Thursday.'
'CNN - Warming water temperatures - in the central equatorial Pacific last month may indicate the start of a new El Nino.'



if line.startswith(code_to_match_my_condition):


'Life is beautiful.'
'China\'s currency remains pegged to the dollar and the US currency\'s sharp falls in recent months have therefore made - Chinese export prices highly competitive.'
'The number of days that beaches closed or posted warnings because of pollution rose sharply in 2003 due to more rainfall, increased monitoring and tougher -standards, an environmental group said on Thursday.'
'Warming water temperatures - in the central equatorial Pacific last month may indicate the start of a new El Nino.'

我實際上不知道如何編碼。 我將不勝感激。




並將其替換為空字符串,請參閱regex101.com 上的演示


import re

strings = ['Reuters - Life is beautiful.',
           'agency.com - China\'s currency remains pegged to the dollar and the US currency\'s sharp falls in recent months have therefore made - Chinese export prices highly competitive.',
           'AP - The number of days that beaches closed or posted warnings because of pollution rose sharply in 2003 due to more rainfall, increased monitoring and tougher -standards, an environmental group said on Thursday.',
           'CNN - Warming water temperatures - in the central equatorial Pacific last month may indicate the start of a new El Nino.']

rx = re.compile(r'^[^-]+-\s+')

strings = list(map(lambda string: rx.sub("", string), strings))


['Life is beautiful.', "China's currency remains pegged to the dollar and the US currency's sharp falls in recent months have therefore made - Chinese export prices highly competitive.", 'The number of days that beaches closed or posted warnings because of pollution rose sharply in 2003 due to more rainfall, increased monitoring and tougher -standards, an environmental group said on Thursday.', 'Warming water temperatures - in the central equatorial Pacific last month may indicate the start of a new El Nino.']


if " - " in line:
    index = line.find(" - ")
    line = line[index+3:]


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