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變量值未傳遞到另一個 class

[英]Variable value not being passed into another class

我試圖讓用戶選擇菜單中的選項,並根據客戶選擇的選項設置變量,但是當我將 go 轉換為另一個 class 並檢索它時,沒有傳遞任何值。


public class Alacarte {
    public void alacarte(){
        Checkout c = new Checkout();
        System.out.println("Please select a meal");
        System.out.println("\n1. Fried Chicken........9.90");
        System.out.println("2. McChicken..........5.90");
        System.out.println("3. Spicy Chicken McDeluxe......12.90");
        Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
        int option = s.nextInt();
            case 1:
            this.order = "Fried Chicken";
            this.price = 9.90;
            case 2:
            this.order = "McChicken";
            this.price = 5.90;

            case 3:
            this.order = "Spicy Chicken McDeluxe";
            this.price = 12.90;
    private String order;
    private double price;
    public double getPrice(){
        return this.price;
    public String getOrder(){
        return this.order;


這是我的checkout class

public class Checkout {
     public void receipt(){
         Alacarte as = new Alacarte();
         System.out.println("Thank you for your order");
         System.out.println("Your order is: " + as.getOrder());
         System.out.println("The price is: " + as.getPrice());
         System.out.println("\nThank you for ordering with us!");


Thank you for your order
Your order is: null
The price is: 0.0

Thank you for ordering with us!


        this.order = "Fried Chicken";
        this.price = 9.90;

所以更改receipt ,使其具有參數

        this.order = "Fried Chicken";
        this.price = 9.90;
        c.receipt(this.order, this.price);


public void receipt(String order, float price){
     System.out.println("Thank you for your order");
     System.out.println("Your order is: " + order);
     System.out.println("The price is: " + price);
     System.out.println("\nThank you for ordering with us!");

您在收據方法中創建了一個新的 Alacarte 實例,該實例對用戶輸入一無所知。 一種方法是將數據作為參數傳遞給接收方法。

c.receipt(this.order, this.price);


public void receipt(String order, float price) {
    System.out.println("Thank you for your order");
    System.out.println("Your order is: " + order);
    System.out.println("The price is: " + price);
    System.out.println("\nThank you for ordering with us!");

注意。 在 switch case 末尾添加 break 語句,在末尾添加 default 。


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