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在 Tkinter 樹視圖中動態添加列

[英]Dynamically add columns in Tkinter treeview

該程序應該動態添加列,以便在按下相應按鈕時顯示更多數據。 可以按不同順序按下按鈕,這會影響下一列/標題的外觀。 正如您在示例程序中看到的,標題沒有正確更新。 表中僅顯示最后一個。 如果項目(選中的行和列)已經有數據,應該更新,但目前數據只添加到新列中,所以問題之一是如何更新選中的行和標題引用的項目。 刪除行后,應刪除所有空列。 我試圖通過連接元組來更新列,但不知道如何處理標題。 任何建議都非常感謝。

from random import randint
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import Treeview

def get_window():
    root = Tk()
    root.resizable(width=True, height=True)
    return root

def get_top_frame(root):
    frame = Frame(root)
    frame.name = 'top_frame'

    frame.root = root

    frame.pack(side=TOP, expand=False, fill=X)

    button1 = Button(frame, text="Add Row", command=lambda: tv.insert('', 'end', text="hostname"))
    button1.grid(row=0, column=1)

    button1 = Button(frame, text="Add Cow 1", command=lambda: tv_insert("H1", randint(1, 100)))
    button1.grid(row=0, column=2)

    button2 = Button(frame, text="Add Cow 2", command=lambda: tv_insert("H2", randint(1, 100)))
    button2.grid(row=0, column=3)

    button3 = Button(frame, text="Add Cow 3", command=lambda: tv_insert("H3", randint(1, 100)))
    button3.grid(row=0, column=4)

    button4 = Button(frame, text="Add Cow 20", command=lambda: tv_insert("H4", randint(1, 100)))
    button4.grid(row=0, column=5)

    button5 = Button(frame, text="Delete row", command=lambda: tv.delete(tv.selection()))
    button5.grid(row=0, column=6)

def get_bottom_frame(root):
    global tv
    frame = Frame(root, highlightbackground='#3E4149', highlightthickness=1, borderwidth=2)
    frame.name = 'bottom_frame'
    frame.root = root

    h = Scrollbar(root, orient='horizontal')
    h.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
    v = Scrollbar(root)
    v.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)

    frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=True, fill=BOTH)

    tv = Treeview(frame, xscrollcommand=h.set, yscrollcommand=v.set)

    tv.column("#0", width=135, minwidth=35, stretch=NO)
    tv.heading("#0", text='Host', anchor='w')

    tv.pack(expand=True, fill='both')


def tv_insert(heading, insert_data):
    selection = tv.selection()
    columns = tv["columns"]

    if columns == '':
        tv["columns"] = (heading,)
        tv.column(heading, width=135, minwidth=35, stretch=NO)
        tv.heading(heading, text=heading, anchor='w')
        tv.item(selection, values=insert_data)
        new_col = columns + (heading,)
        tv["columns"] = new_col

        tv.heading(heading, text=heading, anchor='w')

        data = tv.item(selection, "values")
        if data == '':
            tv.item(selection, values=insert_data)
            new_data = data + (insert_data,)
            tv.item(selection, values=new_data)

def delete_row():
    selection = tv.selection()

root = get_window()


感謝@acw1668,這里是按預期完成工作的代碼。 歡迎提出任何改進建議。

def tv_insert(heading, insert_data):
    selection = tv.selection()
    columns = tv["columns"]
    if columns == '':  # if no columns, create column, heading and item.
        tv["columns"] = (heading,)
        tv.column(heading, width=135, minwidth=35, stretch=NO)
        tv.heading(heading, text=heading, anchor='w')
        tv.item(selection, values=(insert_data,))
        headings = [tv.heading(col) for col in columns] # save current headings

        if heading not in columns:
            new_col = columns + (heading,)
            tv["columns"] = new_col
            # restore previous headings
            for h in headings:
                tv.heading(h['text'], text=h['text'], anchor=h['anchor'])
            # set new heading
            tv.heading(heading, text=heading, anchor='w')
            # add data/item with with size of the columns
            len_col = len(new_col)
            data = ['' for _ in range(len_col)]    # Create an empty list
            data[len_col - 1] = insert_data                # Update the next
            tv.item(selection, values=tuple(data))

            data = tv.item(selection, "values")
            # if heading exist but no item on the the selected row
            if data == '':
                data = ['' for _ in range(len(headings))]
                index = columns.index(heading)
                data[index] = insert_data
                tv.item(selection, values=tuple(data))
                data = list(data)
                if len(data) < len(columns):
                    new_data = ['' for _ in range(len(columns))]
                    for i, d in enumerate(data):
                        new_data[i] = d
                    index = columns.index(heading)
                    new_data[index] = insert_data
                    tv.item(selection, values=tuple(new_data))
                    index = columns.index(heading)
                    data[index] = insert_data
                    tv.item(selection, values=tuple(data))

由於您已將列分配給tv ,因此標題信息將丟失。 您應該在分配列之前保存當前標題信息,並在以下時間恢復它們:

def tv_insert(heading, insert_data):
    selection = tv.selection()
    columns = tv["columns"]

    if columns == '':
        tv["columns"] = (heading,)
        tv.column(heading, width=135, minwidth=35, stretch=NO)
        tv.heading(heading, text=heading, anchor='w')
        tv.item(selection, values=insert_data)
        headings = [tv.heading(col) for col in columns] # save current headings
        new_col = columns + (heading,)
        tv["columns"] = new_col

        # restore previous headings
        for h in headings:
            tv.heading(h['text'], text=h['text'], anchor=h['anchor'])
        # set new heading
        tv.heading(heading, text=heading, anchor='w')

        data = tv.item(selection, "values")
        if data == '':
            tv.item(selection, values=insert_data)
            new_data = data + (insert_data,)
            tv.item(selection, values=new_data)


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