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[英]How can I run a list of date strings through a function and return the results of each item as one concatonated string?

我需要編寫一個程序來驗證給定日期的列表。 驗證列表中的每個日期都需要返回“-”(如果有效)或年份的結束數字(如果無效)。 這些返回需要作為一個字符串附加到 'Results = ""' 以完成問題。



def ListofDates (): #this is the program my teach gave us. The validation included seemed confusing to me.
    DateList = []
    for mon in range (1,13):
        Yr,Feb = 2001,0
        if (mon == 2):
            Feb = 2
            if Yr%400==0 or Yr%100!=0 and Yr%4==0:  # if leap year, make Feb subtract one less day
                Feb = 1
        MonSt = "{0:0>2}".format(mon)
        DateList = DateList + [MonSt +"/00/"+str(Yr)] + [MonSt +"/01/"+str(Yr)]
        ShortMon = (mon-1)%7%2 # (teacher comment) Equals 1 or 30 (or less) day months and 0 for 31 day months
        MaxDay = 31 - ShortMon - Feb
        DateList = DateList + [MonSt +"/"+ str(MaxDay+1) +"/"+ str(Yr)] + [MonSt +"/"+ str(MaxDay) +"/"+str(Yr)]
    DateList = DateList + ["02/29/1900"] + ["02/29/2000"]
    DateList = DateList + ["00/29/2000"] + ["02/29/2400"]
    DateList = DateList + ["13/29/2000"] + ["12/31/2500"]
    DateList = DateList + ["01/01/2501"] + ["02/28/0001"]
    DateList = DateList + ["02/28/0000"] + ["02/29/400"]
    return (DateList)

def dayMonth_is_valid(month,day,year):
    if month in [1,3,5,7,8,10,12]:
        return 1 <= day <= 31
    if month in [4,6,9,11]:
        return 1 <= day <= 30
    if month == 2:
        if year % 400 == 0:
            return 1<=day<=29
        if year % 4 == 0:
            if year % 100 == 0:
                return 1 <= day <= 28
                return 1 <= day <= 29
            return 1<= day <=28

def year_is_valid(year):
    return 1 <= year <=2500

def date_is_valid(date):
    month,day,year = map(int, date.split("/"))

    if dayMonth_is_valid(month,day,year) and year_is_valid(year)==True:
        print ("-")
        print (str(year%10)) #is there a better way to do this?

def validate_date_list():
    dates = ListofDates()
    Results = ""
    for date in dates:
        Results.append (date_is_valid(date))


我實際上沒有完成 if 的結果部分,因為我什至無法獲得運行驗證程序的日期。 我也知道不能附加字符串。 我想我會把結果列成一個列表,然后附加它然后加入它(但這似乎有很多步驟)

所以我的驗證程序工作正常,但我不知道如何通過它運行該列表。 這和格式有關系嗎? “日期”是作為一個列表開始閱讀的嗎?

另外,對於返回的“-”或 str(year%10): 這是完成此步驟的最佳位置嗎? 或者我應該返回真/假然后在主函數中生成字符串?


我查看了列表理解和 for 語句的不同方法,但無法弄清楚。

您需要return值而不是打印它們。 此外,您可以使用str[-1]來返回年份的結束數字而不是%10

def date_is_valid(date):

    month,day,year = map(int, date.split("/"))
    if dayMonth_is_valid(month,day,year) and year_is_valid(year)==True:
        return ("-")
        return (str(year)[-1])

def validate_date_list():
    dates = ListofDates()
    Results = ""
    for date in dates:
        Results += date_is_valid(date)


最好從date_is_valid返回 True 或 False 然后將join方法與生成器一起使用:

dates = ListofDates()
results = ''.join('-' if date_is_valid(date) else date[-1] for date in dates)

順便說一下, expression == True是絕對沒有必要的。


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