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Swift 代碼在不應該運行的時候運行了兩次

[英]Swift Code Running Twice When It Should Not


  private func xxxfastLoadLSecurityDescriptions(session: URLSession, mySymbols: [String]?, completion: @escaping(Bool) ->())    {
        var counter = mySymbols?.count ?? 0
        if counter == 0 { completion(false) }
        var doubleCount = 0
        // print("DESCRIPTION Starting Counter = \(counter)")
        for symbolIndex in 0..<(mySymbols?.count ?? 0) {
            guard let mySymbol = mySymbols?[symbolIndex] else { print("ERROR in fastLoadLSecurityDescriptions loop: No Symbol") ;  continue }
            guard let myGetDescriptionRequest = GenericDataRequest(dataToSend: [mySymbol], token: sessionToken, mgbRoute: MGBServerRoutes.retrieveSecurityDescriptionsRoute!)
            else { print("Error Getting Security Description Request for \(mySymbol)") ; return }
            mySessionSendMGBGenericRequest(session: session, request: myGetDescriptionRequest) { [weak self]  success, serverMessage, returnUNISecurityDescription in
                guard let self = self else { print("ERROR: self is nil") ; return }
                if returnUNISecurityDescription?.count == 0 { print("nil returnUniSecurityDescription for \(mySymbol)") }
                // print("DESCRIPTIONS COUNTER = \(counter)")
                counter -= 1
                var myDescription = UNISecurityDescription()
                if returnUNISecurityDescription != nil, returnUNISecurityDescription?.count != 0 { myDescription = returnUNISecurityDescription![0]  }
                if myDescription.name == nil || myDescription.name == "" { print("Error: No Name for \(String(describing: mySymbol))") }
                let myContainersIndices = self.myUNIList.singleContainer.indices.filter({ self.myUNIList.singleContainer[$0].ticker?.symbol == mySymbol })
                var myPathArray = [IndexPath]()
                for index in 0..<myContainersIndices.count {
                    self.myUNIList.singleContainer[myContainersIndices[index]].name = myDescription.name
                    self.myUNIList.singleContainer[myContainersIndices[index]].currencySymbol = myDescription.currencySymbol
                    self.myUNIList.singleContainer[myContainersIndices[index]].fillFundamentals() // --> Fills the outputs for sortdata
                    myPathArray.append(IndexPath(row: myContainersIndices[index], section: 0))
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    self.filteredData = self.myUNIList.singleContainer
                    self.myCollection?.reloadItems(at: myPathArray)
                if counter == 0     {   // THIS IS TRUE MORE THAN ONCE WHILE IT SHOULD NOT BE TRU MORE THAN ONCE
                    if doubleCount > 0 {    print("WHY!!!!")  }
                    doubleCount += 1
                    print("DESCRIPTIONS counter = \(counter) -> \(self.myUNIList.listName) - symbols: \(String(describing: mySymbols?.count)) \n==================================================\n")
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {   self.sortNormalTap("Load")  { _ in     self.displayAfterLoading()  } }

要滿足的條件是 counter == 0。一旦滿足,該函數完成並退出 DispatchGroup。 問題是 counter == 0 多次為真(退出 DispatchGroup 時明顯崩潰)。 我真的無法理解為什么不止一次滿足這個條件。 代碼非常線性,我看不出是什么原因造成的。 非常感謝任何幫助。 這讓我發瘋。

您的代碼不是線程安全的,尤其是計數器。 我使用您的相同邏輯編寫了一個示例來說明這一點。 如果您多次運行它,您最終會遇到與您的問題發生相同的情況。

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let mySymbols: [Int] = Array(0...100)

    for _ in 0..<100 {
        xxxfastLoadLSecurityDescriptions(session: URLSession.shared, mySymbols: mySymbols) { (success, counter, doubleCount) in
            print("Completed: \(success), Counter: \(counter), Double Count: \(doubleCount)")

private func xxxfastLoadLSecurityDescriptions(session: URLSession, mySymbols: [Int]?, completion: @escaping(Bool, Int, Int) ->())    {

    var counter = mySymbols?.count ?? 0

    if counter == 0 {
        return completion(false, -1, -1)
    var doubleCount = 0

    for symbolIndex in 0..<(mySymbols?.count ?? 0) {
        guard let _ = mySymbols?[symbolIndex] else {

        DispatchQueue.global().asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(Int.random(in: 50..<900))) {

            counter -= 1

            DispatchQueue.main.async {

            if counter == 0 {
                if doubleCount > 0 {
                    // This will eventually print even though logically it shouldn't
                    print("*****Counter: \(counter), Double Count: \(doubleCount), Symbol Index: \(symbolIndex)")
                doubleCount += 1
                completion(true, counter, doubleCount)


Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
*****   Counter: 0, Double Count: 1, Symbol Index: 15   
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 2
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
*****   Counter: 0, Double Count: 1, Symbol Index: 26   
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 2
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 1
*****   Counter: 0, Double Count: 1, Symbol Index: 57   
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 2
*****   Counter: 0, Double Count: 1, Symbol Index: 3    
Completed: true, Counter: 0, Double Count: 2

最后我通過使用 DispatchGroup 解決了這個問題,如下(簡化代碼):

private func xxxFastLoadLSecurityDescriptions(session: URLSession, mySymbols: [String]?, completion: @escaping(Bool) ->())    {
    let myGroup = DispatchGroup()
    for symbolIndex in 0..<(mySymbols?.count ?? 0) {
        mySessionSendMGBGenericRequest(...) { [weak self] returnValue in
            guard let self = self else { myGroup.leave() ; return }
         // do some stuff with returnValue
    myGroup.notify(queue: .main, execute: {

我的問題是:我有可能遇到和以前一樣的問題嗎? 例如,假設我有 2 個項目的循環。 第一個項目進入組並說在第二個項目進入循環之前異步調用返回一個值,第一個項目退出組。 此時,在第二項進入組之前,應該觸發 .notify 並且在處理第二項之前完成(true) 存在函數。 這可能嗎?


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