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使用 mpld3 導出 matplotlib 圖形的獨立離線 html 圖

[英]Export standalone offline html plot of matplotlib figures using mpld3

我正在嘗試使用 mpld3 將 matplotlib 圖形導出到獨立的 html 文件。 這有效:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpld3

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax = ax.plot(np.arange(10))

with open("graph.html", "w") as fileobj:
    mpld3.save_html(plt.gcf(), fileobj)

確實發生了導出,並且當我在具有 Internet 連接的瀏覽器中打開 html 文件時,圖形按預期顯示。 有趣的是,它在沒有互聯網連接的情況下也按預期顯示。 這怎么可能,因為我希望 html 嘗試從在線 cdn 獲取 js 組件(d3 和 mpld3)?

其次,我下載了mpld3回購和解壓的內容,以對JS D3和mpld3的本地副本在這里 所以我使用以下方法嘗試導出一個 html 文件以供離線使用,使用:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpld3

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax = ax.plot(np.arange(10))

with open("graph.html", "w") as fileobj:
    mpld3.save_html(plt.gcf(), fileobj,

根據此處此處的文檔。 但是這樣做時,html 在瀏覽器中顯示為空白。 這里的源代碼:



<div id="fig_el158242311667823952363636180"></div>
function mpld3_load_lib(url, callback){
  var s = document.createElement('script');
  s.src = url;
  s.async = true;
  s.onreadystatechange = s.onload = callback;
  s.onerror = function(){console.warn("failed to load library " + url);};

if(typeof(mpld3) !== "undefined" && mpld3._mpld3IsLoaded){
   // already loaded: just create the figure
       mpld3.draw_figure("fig_el158242311667823952363636180", {"width": 1280.0, "height": 960.0, "axes": [{"bbox": [0.125, 0.10999999999999999, 0.775, 0.77], "xlim": [-0.45, 9.45], "ylim": [-0.45, 9.45], "xdomain": [-0.45, 9.45], "ydomain": [-0.45, 9.45], "xscale": "linear", "yscale": "linear", "axes": [{"position": "bottom", "nticks": 7, "tickvalues": null, "tickformat_formatter": "", "tickformat": null, "scale": "linear", "fontsize": 10.0, "grid": {"gridOn": false}, "visible": true}, {"position": "left", "nticks": 7, "tickvalues": null, "tickformat_formatter": "", "tickformat": null, "scale": "linear", "fontsize": 10.0, "grid": {"gridOn": false}, "visible": true}], "axesbg": "#FFFFFF", "axesbgalpha": null, "zoomable": true, "id": "el158242311667809200", "lines": [{"data": "data01", "xindex": 0, "yindex": 1, "coordinates": "data", "id": "el158242311667979264", "color": "#1F77B4", "linewidth": 1.5, "dasharray": "none", "alpha": 1, "zorder": 2, "drawstyle": "default"}], "paths": [], "markers": [], "texts": [], "collections": [], "images": [], "sharex": [], "sharey": []}], "data": {"data01": [[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0], [4.0, 4.0], [5.0, 5.0], [6.0, 6.0], [7.0, 7.0], [8.0, 8.0], [9.0, 9.0]]}, "id": "el158242311667823952", "plugins": [{"type": "reset"}, {"type": "zoom", "button": true, "enabled": false}, {"type": "boxzoom", "button": true, "enabled": false}]});
}else if(typeof define === "function" && define.amd){
   // require.js is available: use it to load d3/mpld3
   require.config({paths: {d3: "path\to\mpld3-master\mpld3\js\d3.v5.min"}});
   require(["d3"], function(d3){
      window.d3 = d3;
      mpld3_load_lib("path\to\mpld3-master\mpld3\js\mpld3.v0.5.1.min.js", function(){
         mpld3.draw_figure("fig_el158242311667823952363636180", {"width": 1280.0, "height": 960.0, "axes": [{"bbox": [0.125, 0.10999999999999999, 0.775, 0.77], "xlim": [-0.45, 9.45], "ylim": [-0.45, 9.45], "xdomain": [-0.45, 9.45], "ydomain": [-0.45, 9.45], "xscale": "linear", "yscale": "linear", "axes": [{"position": "bottom", "nticks": 7, "tickvalues": null, "tickformat_formatter": "", "tickformat": null, "scale": "linear", "fontsize": 10.0, "grid": {"gridOn": false}, "visible": true}, {"position": "left", "nticks": 7, "tickvalues": null, "tickformat_formatter": "", "tickformat": null, "scale": "linear", "fontsize": 10.0, "grid": {"gridOn": false}, "visible": true}], "axesbg": "#FFFFFF", "axesbgalpha": null, "zoomable": true, "id": "el158242311667809200", "lines": [{"data": "data01", "xindex": 0, "yindex": 1, "coordinates": "data", "id": "el158242311667979264", "color": "#1F77B4", "linewidth": 1.5, "dasharray": "none", "alpha": 1, "zorder": 2, "drawstyle": "default"}], "paths": [], "markers": [], "texts": [], "collections": [], "images": [], "sharex": [], "sharey": []}], "data": {"data01": [[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0], [4.0, 4.0], [5.0, 5.0], [6.0, 6.0], [7.0, 7.0], [8.0, 8.0], [9.0, 9.0]]}, "id": "el158242311667823952", "plugins": [{"type": "reset"}, {"type": "zoom", "button": true, "enabled": false}, {"type": "boxzoom", "button": true, "enabled": false}]});
    // require.js not available: dynamically load d3 & mpld3
    mpld3_load_lib("path\to\mpld3-master\mpld3\js\d3.v5.min.js", function(){
         mpld3_load_lib("path\to\mpld3-master\mpld3\js\mpld3.v0.5.1.min.js", function(){
                 mpld3.draw_figure("fig_el158242311667823952363636180", {"width": 1280.0, "height": 960.0, "axes": [{"bbox": [0.125, 0.10999999999999999, 0.775, 0.77], "xlim": [-0.45, 9.45], "ylim": [-0.45, 9.45], "xdomain": [-0.45, 9.45], "ydomain": [-0.45, 9.45], "xscale": "linear", "yscale": "linear", "axes": [{"position": "bottom", "nticks": 7, "tickvalues": null, "tickformat_formatter": "", "tickformat": null, "scale": "linear", "fontsize": 10.0, "grid": {"gridOn": false}, "visible": true}, {"position": "left", "nticks": 7, "tickvalues": null, "tickformat_formatter": "", "tickformat": null, "scale": "linear", "fontsize": 10.0, "grid": {"gridOn": false}, "visible": true}], "axesbg": "#FFFFFF", "axesbgalpha": null, "zoomable": true, "id": "el158242311667809200", "lines": [{"data": "data01", "xindex": 0, "yindex": 1, "coordinates": "data", "id": "el158242311667979264", "color": "#1F77B4", "linewidth": 1.5, "dasharray": "none", "alpha": 1, "zorder": 2, "drawstyle": "default"}], "paths": [], "markers": [], "texts": [], "collections": [], "images": [], "sharex": [], "sharey": []}], "data": {"data01": [[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0], [4.0, 4.0], [5.0, 5.0], [6.0, 6.0], [7.0, 7.0], [8.0, 8.0], [9.0, 9.0]]}, "id": "el158242311667823952", "plugins": [{"type": "reset"}, {"type": "zoom", "button": true, "enabled": false}, {"type": "boxzoom", "button": true, "enabled": false}]});


  • 第一個片段如何導出一個在沒有互聯網連接的情況下呈現的 html 頁面?
  • 為什么使用 d3_url 和 mpld3_url 會破壞 html 渲染?

蟒蛇:3.8 matplotlib:3.2.1 mpldd3 版本:0.5.1

所以我想出了我的主要問題,關於 d3_url 和 mpld3_url 的使用:使用此鏈接,並將上面的 html 源代碼與在 mac 上生成的源代碼進行比較,現在工作正常:

# note the "file:// prefix and the forward slashes
with open("graph.html", "w") as fileobj:
    mpld3.save_html(plt.gcf(), fileobj,

問題是 url 必須是一個簡單的字符串,用於存儲 javascript 路徑,而不是 python 路徑。 因此前綴“file://”和路徑中的正斜杠。


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