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使用正則表達式和 Python 提取字符串

[英]Extract string using Regex and Python

我在 df 中有一個列包含以下值:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'Sentence':['This is the results of my experiments KEY_abc_def', 'I have researched the product KEY_abc_def as requested', 'He got the idea from your message KEY_mno_pqr']})
>>> df
0       This is the results of my experiments KEY_abc_def
1  I have researched the product KEY_abc_def as requested
2            e got the idea from your message KEY_mno_pqr

我想使用正則表達式將 KEY 提取(或復制)到沒有實際“KEY_”的新列中。 output 應如下所示:

>>> df
                                                Sentence   KEY
0      This is the results of my experiments KEY_abc_def   abc_def
1  I have researched the product KEY_abc_def as requested  abc_def
2           He got the idea from your message KEY_mno_pqr  mno_pqr

我嘗試使用此代碼,但它不起作用。 任何建議將不勝感激。

 df['KEY']= df.Sentence.str.extract("KEY_", expand=True)


df['KEY']= df['Sentence'].str.extract(r"KEY_(\w+)", expand=False)

如果KEY_必須是單詞的開頭,則應在其前面添加\b單詞邊界: r"\bKEY_(\w+)"



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