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Typescript:使用函數數組的 ReturnType(已編輯)

[英]Typescript: use ReturnType of array of functions (edited)

我正在嘗試輸入以下 function:

function foo(input, modifier, merge) {
    return merge(...modifier.map(m => m(input)));

目標是為merge function 的參數提供正確的類型。


  • modifier是 function 的數組,具有typeof input類型的單個參數和每個 function 的不同返回類型
  • merge是一個function,它有modifier.length參數,在position n處的參數與function的返回類型具有相同的類型)值modifier[n]



可以使用對象( Record<K,V> ):

// for Functions (here type Func)
type Func = () => any;

// a mapping of a string key to an function can be created
type FuncMap = Record<string, Func>;

// for this mapping you can create a mapping to the return types of each function
type ReturnTypeMap<T extends FuncMap> = { [K in keyof T]: ReturnType<T[K]> }

基於 position 而不是 object 密鑰的 arrays 是否也可以進行類似的操作?

這是我嘗試輸入 function,但我不知道如何將 ReturnType 與 arrays 結合使用:

function foo<I, M extends Array<(input: I) => any>, O>(
    input: I,
    modifier: M,
    merge: (...args: ReturnType<M>) => O
    //               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this is not working, since relation to each item is missing
): O {
    return merge(...modifier.map(m => m(input)));


type ExtractReturnTypes<T extends readonly ((i: any) => any)[]> = [
  ... {
    [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends ((i: any) => infer R) ? R : never

function foo<I, M extends readonly ((i: I) => any)[], O>(
  input: I,
  modifiers: M,
  merge: (...args: ExtractReturnTypes<M>) => O
) {}

  [(i: number) => 5, (i: number) => 'b' as const] as const,
  // a has type: number
  // b has type: 'b'
  (a, b) => 'test'


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