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如何在 class 方法中生成新實例?

[英]How do I generate a new instance inside of a class method?

我為我的文字冒險游戲創建了一個 class,玩家可以在其中聘請申請人。 但是一旦他們雇用了申請人,那個人就會成為雇員。 因此,我希望該申請人實例成為我的Employee class 的實例。 有沒有辦法做到這一點或更好的方法?

這是我的申請人 class:

class Applicant:
    def __init__(self, full_name, first_name, gender, previous_job, dob, 
                 hire_score):  # dob stands for date of birth.
        self.full_name = full_name
        self.first_name = first_name
        self.gender = gender
        self.previous_job = previous_job
        self.dob = dob
        self.hire_score = hire_score

這是我雇用申請人時的方法。 在申請人追加到我的員工列表之前,我想在Employee class 中自動為申請人創建一個新實例。

def hire(self):
    print(f"{mPlayer.name}: Okay {self.first_name}, I will be hiring you.")
    print(f"{self.first_name}: Thank you so much!! I look forward to working and will not let you down.")
    print(f"You have now hired {self.first_name}")
    print("You can view employee information and see their activities in the View Employee section.")

這是我的Employee class:

class Employee:
    def __init__(self, full_name, first_name, gender, previous_job, dob, 
                 hire_score, position, schedule):
        self.full_name = full_name
        self.first_name = first_name
        self.gender = gender
        self.previous_job = previous_job
        self.dob = dob
        self.hire_score = hire_score
        self.position = position
        self.schedule = schedule


print(f"{self.first_name}: Thank you so much!! I look forward to working and will not let you down.")
new_employee = Employee(full_name, first_name, gender, previous_job, dob, hire_score, position, schedule)

您可能還不想 append 申請人記錄,但將最后一行更改為: employ_list.append(new_employee)

我有幾個建議給你。 我將使用數據類來演示這些概念(參考: https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html )。

  1. 為什么不使用相同的 class,但有一個標志指定您的人是員工,例如:
from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict

class Person:  # <- name a better name
    is_employee: bool = False
  1. 使用 inheritance。 這兩個類都有很多重復字段,因此 inheritance 在您的示例中應該可以完美運行。
class Applicant:
    name: str
    dob: datetime.date
    score: int

class Employee(Applicant):
    position: str
    schedule: object


applicant = Applicant(name='John', ...)
employee = Employee(**asdict(applicant), position='Manager', ...)


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