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Javascript 中的幻燈片問題,無法加載圖像

[英]Problem with slideshow in Javascript, images don't load

我有一個 slider 的問題,我必須為學校做。 控制台沒有返回錯誤,但圖像未顯示在 slider 中。 我已經用了四天了,我不知道是什么問題,所以我似乎需要你的燈! ^^

我使用控制台檢查“diaporama.js”是否正常工作,“slider.js”末尾的console.log 用於檢查我的圖像路徑是否正常。 我完全不知道出了什么問題。

先感謝您 !



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta property="og:url"          content="" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="slide.css">


    <div id="caroussel">
        <img src="" alt="diapo1" id="diapo">
        <div id="precedent" ><</div>
        <div id="suivant" >></div>
    <script src="diaporama.js"></script>
    <script src="slide.js"></script>



class Diaporama {

    constructor(src, images) {
        this.src = src;
        this.images = images;
        this.position = 0;
    slideLeft() {
        if (this.position <= 0) {
            this.position = this.images.length - 1;
        } else {
        this.src = this.images[this.position];
    slideRight() {
        if (this.position > this.length-1) {
            this.position = 0;
        else {
        this.src = this.images[this.position];
    start() {
        this.src = this.images[this.position];



var images = Array('img/caroussel1.png', 'img/caroussel2.jpg', 'img/caroussel3.jpg', 'img/caroussel4.jpg', 'img/caroussel5.jpg');

var src = document.getElementById("diapo").src; 

var diaporama = new Diaporama(src, images);

setInterval(function () { diaporama.slideLeft(); }, 5000);



  1. 在 HTML 中有一個 ID diapo的圖像元素,然后在 DOM中有一個空的src屬性。
  2. slide.js中,您嘗試使用您存儲在slide.js中的變量src中的src屬性來創建diaporama Diaporama 的新實例,稱為Diaporama
  3. Since an img element needs a src attribute with an actual URL, in order to show the image at that URL, you are seeing nothing, since you have not provided a URL (You won't get an error either, since an empty src attribute是完全有效的 HTML,並且不會導致 JS 錯誤)



  1. index.html 文件中的輪播元素,然后在 DOM 中表示(這是我們所期望的)
  2. class slide.js的實例在Diaporama中稱為diaporama ,它沒有指向您希望它擁有的 DOM 輪播的鏈接:所有diaporama都有一個String ,取自 DOM 輪播的src屬性,它指的是 ZE6B391A8D2C4D45902A23A8B6585703D的各種圖像。 鑒於您編寫的代碼, diaporama實例永遠無法“伸出”並更新 DOM 輪播。


如您所知,您創建的 DOM 和 object 之間需要有鏈接; 創建這樣的鏈接很簡單,只涉及 DOM 查詢。

我添加了一個解決方案(我已將所有 JS 放在一個文件中,而不是兩個文件 - 正如你所擁有的 - 但這並不重要)

 class Diaporama { constructor(imgElem, images) { this.imgElem = imgElem; this.images = images; this.position = 0; this.start(); } slideLeft() { if (this.position <= 0) { this.position = this.images.length - 1; } else { this.position--; } // this is part of the 'bridge' between "carousel.js" and the DOM this.imgElem.src = this.images[this.position]; } slideRight() { // there was an error in your original "slideRight" method: a typo and an "off-by-error" if (this.position >= this.images.length-1) { this.position = 0; } else { this.position++; } // this is part of the 'bridge' between "carousel.js" and the DOM this.imgElem.src = this.images[this.position]; } start() { // this is part of the 'bridge' between "carousel.js" and the DOM this.imgElem.src = this.images[this.position]; } } // prefer an Array literal rather than call to Array -- less verbose, and slightly faster var images = ['img/one.jpg', 'img/two.jpg', 'img/three.jpg']; // This is where 'bridge' between "carousel.js" and the DOM is created: we 'cache' a reference to the carousel 'img' element, // which we will then modify from within the 'carousel' instance of class Diaporama var imgElem = window.document.getElementById('carousel').querySelector('img'); var carousel = new Diaporama(imgElem, images); carousel.start(); // create 'delegated' event listener on document, and trigger correct method of 'carousel' in response to user interaction window.document.addEventListener('click', ev => { const target = ev.target; if(target.id === 'back_button') { carousel.slideLeft(); } else if(target.id === 'next_button') { carousel.slideRight(); } });
 .carousel { max-height: 400px; max-width: 600px; background: rgb(250,250,200); overflow: hidden; }.button-wrapper { display: flex; justify-content: space-around; }
 <,doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no. initial-scale=1,0. maximum-scale=1,0. minimum-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Carousel</title> </head> <body> <h1>Carousel slider (OOP)</h1> <section id="carousel" class="carousel"> <div class="button-wrapper"> <button id="back_button">Back</button> <button id="next_button">Next</button> </div> <img src="" alt="carousel image"> </section> <script src="carousel.js"></script> </body> </html>





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