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在 JavaScript 中實現中國剩余定理

[英]Implementing Chinese Remainder Theorem in JavaScript

我一直在嘗試解決Advent of Code 2020 第 13 天第 2 部分任務。 我發現很多關於中國剩余定理的提示。 我在 npm 的nodejs-chinesse-remainders之后嘗試了一些實現,但這個實現似乎很舊(2014 年),並且還需要額外的庫來處理 Big Int 案例。

我怎樣才能實現模乘逆? 如何重構我提供了鏈接的 npm 模塊中定義的 CRT 算法?

作為一種自我回應,目的是制作一個 wiki,以便為那些將來需要在 javascript/typescript 中實現 CRT 的人找到這個解決方案:

首先想到的是實現Modular Multiplicative Inverse ,對於這個任務,我們試圖找到一個 x 使得: a*x % modulus = 1

const modularMultiplicativeInverse = (a: bigint, modulus: bigint) => {
  // Calculate current value of a mod modulus
  const b = BigInt(a % modulus);
    // We brute force the search for the smaller hipothesis, as we know that the number must exist between the current given modulus and 1
    for (let hipothesis = 1n; hipothesis <= modulus; hipothesis++) {
        if ((b * hipothesis) % modulus == 1n) return hipothesis;
      // If we do not find it, we return 1
    return 1n;


const solveCRT = (remainders: bigint[], modules: bigint[]) => {
    // Multiply all the modulus
    const prod : bigint = modules.reduce((acc: bigint, val) => acc * val, 1n);
    return modules.reduce((sum, mod, index) => {
        // Find the modular multiplicative inverse and calculate the sum
    // SUM( remainder * productOfAllModulus/modulus * MMI ) (mod productOfAllModulus) 
        const p = prod / mod;
        return sum + (remainders[index] * modularMultiplicativeInverse(p, mod) * p);
    }, 0n) % prod;

這樣你就可以使用 ES6 函數,例如reduce

為了與 bigint 一起工作,余數和模塊數組應對應於 ES2020 的BigInt


  x mod 5 = 1
  x mod 59 = 13
  x mod 24 = 7
// Declare the problem and execute function
// You can not parse them to BigInt here, but TypeScript will complain of operations between int and bigint
const remainders : bigint[] = [1, 13, 7].map(BigInt)
const modules: bigint[] = [5, 59, 24].map(BigInt)

solveCRT(remainders, modules) // 6031


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