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從 Tkinter 按鈕調用類中的函數

[英]Calling Functions within Classes from Tkinter Buttons

我目前正在嘗試在我的代碼中使用我以前沒有使用過的類。 我的目標是當按下電源按鈕時,系統會檢查電源是否打開,如果沒有,則返回“Power On”,對於 Power Off 也是如此,依此類推。 按下按鈕時我目前正在苦苦掙扎我不確定如何使用指定文本(例如“PWR”)向控制范圍內的 function 發送命令下面是我的代碼非常感謝任何幫助謝謝

import tkinter as tk

window = tk.Tk()

class Power:

    def __init__(self, x):
        if x == 0:
            # Run def control
            # Change function in def control to Power
            print ("Power On")
        if x == 1:
            # Run def control
            # Change function in def control to Power
            print("Power Off")

        if x == 2:
            # Run def Control
            # Change Function to Inp
            # Add which input has been selected to the end of the return
            print ("Input 1")

        if x == 3:
            # Run def Control
            # Change Function to Inp
            # Add which input has been selected to the end of the return
            print ("Input 2")

    def control(self, function):
        if function[:3] == "PWR":
            if "on" in function.lower():
                return ("Power On")

            elif "off" in function.lower():
                return("Power Off")

                return ("Power Error")

        elif function[:3] == 'INP':
            inp = function[3:]
            return 'Input ' + inp


CtrlBtnsTxt = ["Power On", "Power Off", "Input 1", "Input 2"]
for i in range (4):
    CtrlBtns = tk.Button(window, width = 10, height = 5, text = CtrlBtnsTxt[i], command = lambda x = i: Power (x) )
    CtrlBtns.grid (row = i, column = 0)


class 實例跨命令持久化會更好。 這樣你就可以簡單地記住當前的按鈕狀態,並在下次調用時使用它來調整行為:

import tkinter as tk

window = tk.Tk()

class Power:
    # ====> Memorizes states
    power = False
    curInput = 0
    # ====> Replace __init__ by a method you can call without creating a new instance
    def command(self, x):
        if x == 0:
            print (self.control("PWR on"))
        if x == 1:
            print (self.control("PWR off"))
        if x == 2:
            print (self.control("INP 1"))
        if x == 3:
            print (self.control("INP 2"))
    def control(self, function):
        if function[:3] == "PWR":

            # ====> Includes the stored state in the tests and stores the new state
            if "on" in function.lower() and self.power == False:
                self.power = True
                return "Power On"
            # ====> Idem
            elif "off" in function.lower() and self.power == True
                self.power = False
                return "Power Off"
                return ("Power Error")

        elif function[:3] == 'INP':
            inp = function[3:]

            # ====> Optionally you can do the same for the input
            if (inp == self.curInput): return 'Input already set'
            self.curInput = inp
            return 'Input ' + inp

CtrlBtnsTxt = ["Power On", "Power Off", "Input 1", "Input 2"]

# ====> Creates a unique instance of the class and uses it below
power = Power()

for i in range (4):
    CtrlBtns = tk.Button(window, width = 10, height = 5, text = CtrlBtnsTxt[i], command = lambda x = i: power.command(x) )
    CtrlBtns.grid (row = i, column = 0)



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