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通過 rest api 在本機反應中通知

[英]Notification via rest api in react native

我正在嘗試通過 rest api 在 React Native 中發送通知。作為回應,我獲得了成功:1。 這里的問題是我沒有在模擬器中收到通知。

  const token = await firebase.messaging().getToken();
  console.log("token in sendNotification ",token)

  const FIREBASE_API_KEY = "firebaseApiKey";
    const message = {
      to :token,
      notification: {
        title: "This is a Notification",
        boby: "This is the body of the Notification",
        vibrate: 1,
        sound: 1,
        show_in_foreground: true,
        priority: "high",
        content_available: true,
    let headers = new Headers({
      "Content-Type" : "application/json",
      Authorization: "key=" + FIREBASE_API_KEY,
    try {
      let response = await fetch ("https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send",{
      method: "POST",
      body: JSON.stringify(message),
    response = await response.json();
    console.log("response ", response);
    } catch (error) {
      console.log("error ", error);



// Handle incoming messages. Called when:
// - a message is received while the app has a focus
// - the user clicks on an app notification created by a service worker
//   `messaging.setBackgroundMessageHandler` handler.
      messaging.onMessage((payload) => {
      console.log('Message received. ', payload);
// ...


 import React,{useEffect} from 'react' import{View,Text} from 'react-native'; async function onDisplayNotification() { // Create a channel const channelId = await notifee.createChannel({ id: 'default', name: 'Default Channel', }); // Display a notification await notifee.displayNotification({ title: 'Notification Title', body: 'Main body content of the notification', android: { channelId, smallIcon: 'ic_launcher', // optional, defaults to 'ic_launcher'. }, }); } const App=()=> { useEffect(() => { // Assume a message-notification contains a "type" property in the data payload of the screen to open messaging().onMessage((payload) => { console.log('Message received. ', payload); onDisplayNotification(); //... }); messaging().onNotificationOpenedApp(remoteMessage => { console.log( 'Notification caused app to open from background state:', remoteMessage.notification, ); alert("Notification"); }); // Check whether an initial notification is available messaging().getInitialNotification().then(remoteMessage => { if (remoteMessage) { console.log( 'Notification caused app to open from quit state:', remoteMessage.notification, ); } }); }, []); return ( <View> </View> ) } export default App;


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