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laravel 與自定義外鍵的多對多多態關系

[英]laravel many to many polymorphic relationship with custom foreign key

我有 3 張桌子

locationables    |locations     | account_doctor
**id**           |**id**        |**account_id**    |
location_id      |              |                  |
locationable_id  |              |                  |
locationable_type|              |                  |


我已閱讀 Laravel 文檔,但 account_doctor 表的主鍵沒有標准轉換原因導致該關系無法檢索任何內容


AccountDoctor model:

    public function locations()
        return $this->morphToMany(Location::class, 'locationable','locationable');

位置 model:

public function accountDoctors()
        return $this->morphedByMany(AccountDoctor::class, 'locationable','locationable');


class AccountDoctor extends Model
    public function locations()
        return $this->morphToMany(
            'locationable',     //name for the morphable
            'locationables',    //pivot table
            'locationable_id',  //foreign key on the pivot table to identify this model record
            'location_id',      //foreign key on the pivot table to identify related model record
            'account_id',       //primary key column name for this model's table
            'id'                //primary key column name for related model's table

class Location extends Model
    public function account_doctors()
        return $this->morphedByMany(
            'locationable',     //name for the morphable 
            'locationables',    //pivot table 
            'location_id',      //foreign key on the pivot table to identify this model record 
            'locationable_id',  //foreign key on the pivot table to identify related model record 
            'id',               //primary key column name for this model's table
            'account_id'        //primary key column name for related model's 


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