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在 Microsoft Excel 中使用 VBA Function 進行索引匹配

[英]Index Match using VBA Function in Microsoft Excel

我是 Excel VBA 的新手,我正在嘗試編寫一個 function 讓我在其他列中使用INDEXMATCHCOUNTIFS函數來查找多個匹配值。


Area    Category    Cost    Retail Price    Wholesale Price
USA Bad 1   13  25
Canada  Okay    2   14  26
Mexico  Good    3   15  27
USA Excellent   4   16  28
Canada  Bad 5   17  29
Mexico  Okay    6   18  30
USA Good    7   19  31
Canada  Excellent   8   20  32
Mexico  Bad 9   21  33
USA Okay    10  22  34
Canada  Good    11  23  35
Mexico  Excellent   12  24  36

在 Excel 中,我可以使用數組公式來獲得它(請參見此處的視頻示例)。 下面的公式讓我得到Mexico Okay類別的Wholesale Price



L12 = Mexico
M12 = Okay 
N12 = Wholesale Price 

我想制作一個 VBA function ProdPrice ,它可以返回這個值,而沒有一個看起來凌亂的公式。 這是我到目前為止所擁有的:

Function ProdPrice(locs, cat, pricetype)
    'Get column number corresponding to selected "pricetype"
    col_num = WorksheetFunction.Match( _
                pricetype, _
                ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Price").HeaderRowRange.Select, _
    ProdPrice = WorksheetFunction.Index( _
                    ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Price"), _
                    WorksheetFunction.Match( _
                        1, _
                        WorksheetFunction.CountIfs( _
                            ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Price").ListColumns("Area").DataBodyRange.Select, _
                            locs, _
                            ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Price").ListColumns("Category").DataBodyRange.Select, _
                            cat), _
                        0), _

End Function


當我運行它時,我得到一個#VALUE! output。

關於我如何 go 對此有何建議? 同樣據我了解,上述 function 將在工作表中查找名為price的表,其中 function 被調用 - 我希望它能夠在工作簿中查看price

我假設您的值始終在 Excel 結構化表中


  • Function不區分大小寫
  • 表頭和值不包含| 特點
  • Function 將返回第一個匹配值( areacategory
  • 列順序無關緊要



Public Function lookupPrice(ByVal table As Range, ByVal lookup_area As String, ByVal lookup_category As String, ByVal pricetype_header As String) As Variant
    ' Define column headers
    Dim areaHeader As String
    Dim categoryHeader As String
    areaHeader = "Area"
    categoryHeader = "Category"
    ' Get area column number from headers
    Dim areaColumn As Long
    areaColumn = Application.Match(areaHeader, table.ListObject.HeaderRowRange, False)
    ' Get category column number from headers
    Dim categoryColumn As Long
    categoryColumn = Application.Match(categoryHeader, table.ListObject.HeaderRowRange, False)
    ' Get price column number from headers according to function parameter
    Dim priceColumn As Long
    priceColumn = Application.Match(pricetype_header, table.ListObject.HeaderRowRange, False)
    ' Get area column values into 1d array
    Dim areaValues As Variant
    areaValues = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Application.Index(table.Columns(areaColumn), 0, 1))
    ' Get category column values into 1d array
    Dim categoryValues As Variant
    categoryValues = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Application.Index(table.Columns(categoryColumn), 0, 1))
    ' Define and redimension an array to hold the concatenated area and category values
    Dim areaCategoryValues() As Variant
    ReDim areaCategoryValues(1 To UBound(areaValues))
    ' Concatenate the area and category values and store them in an array
    Dim counter As Long
    For counter = 1 To UBound(areaValues)
        areaCategoryValues(counter) = areaValues(counter) & "|" & categoryValues(counter)
    Next counter
    ' Get the matching row according to lookup values
    Dim resultRow As Long
    resultRow = Application.Match(lookup_area & "|" & lookup_category, areaCategoryValues, False)
    ' Get the result value according to the price column number
    Dim result As Variant
    result = Application.Index(table.Columns(priceColumn), resultRow)
    ' Return the value
    lookupPrice = result
End Function



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