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在 dm 中發送問題,並將答案嵌入到頻道 discord.py

[英]send questions in dm, and post answers in embed to a channel discord.py

我試圖讓它在用戶啟動命令 $createprofile 時,機器人將向用戶發送列表中提供的問題,一個接一個地發布答案,然后將答案嵌入到指定的頻道。 現在我已經建立了列表,但我不確定如何建立一個又一個問題,我可能正在考慮使用 asyncio wait_for

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import platform

import cogs._json

class Profile(commands.Cog):

   def __init__(self, bot):
       self.bot = bot

   async def on_ready(self):
       print("Profile Cog has been loaded\n-----")

   # @commands.command(aliases=['pm'])
   # async def dm(self, ctx, user: discord.User, *, message=None):
   #   message = message or "This message is sent via dm"
   #   await user.send(message)
   #   await ctx.message.delete()

   async def createprofile(ctx, member: discord.Member = None):
       userName = ""
       userAge = ""
       questions = [
           "Please input your name/nickname:",
           "Please input your age:"
       dmChannel = await ctx.author.send(
           "You will be receiving two questions. One involving your name and the other your age.")

       def check(message):
           return message.author == ctx.author and message.channel == dmChannel.channel

       async def askQuestion(question):
           await ctx.author.send(question)
           print("Waiting for reply...")
           userReply = await client.wait_for('message', check=check)
           print("User replied")
           return userReply.content
           userName = await askQuestion(questions[0])
           userAge = await askQuestion(questions[1])
           e = discord.Embed(title=str(userName) + "'s Profile", description=f"""
           Age: `{str(userAge)}`
           await ctx.send(embed=e)

def setup(bot):
async def createprofile(self, ctx, member: discord.Member = None):
    userName = ""
    userAge = ""
    questions = [
        "Please input your name/nickname:",
        "Please input your age:"
    dmChannel = await ctx.author.send(
        "Yo will be receiving two questions. One involving your name and the other your age.")

    def check(message):
        return message.author == ctx.author and message.channel == dmChannel.channel

    async def askQuestion(question):
        await ctx.author.send(question)
        print("Waiting for reply...")
        userReply = await client.wait_for('message', check=check)
        print("User replied")
        return userReply.content
    userName = await askQuestion(questions[0])
    userAge = await askQuestion(questions[1])
    e = discord.Embed(title=str(userName) + "'s Profile", description=f"""
    Age: `{str(userAge)}`
    await ctx.send(embed=e)

首先,您需要向用戶發送一個問題,那么您如何做到這一點是通過await ctx.author.send("this is a question") 然后將該消息存儲到一個變量中。 然后,您創建一個檢查 function 以確保回復的用戶實際上是首先發送$createprofile消息的用戶。 您還需要檢查消息的頻道是否為 dm 頻道。 這就是您之前存儲的消息采取行動的地方。 它將確保消息的頻道與您之前發送給用戶的 dm 消息的頻道相同。 之后,您創建一個異步 function 來提出問題。 從那里開始,它非常簡單。 隨意使用for loops優化您的代碼。 希望這可以幫助。


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