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如何在組件中傳遞和接收 object 到 NbDialog 組件 nebular ngx-admin?

[英]How to pass and receive object in component to NbDialog component nebular ngx-admin?

我想將 object 傳遞給 NbDialogComponent 以及如何從 NbDialogComponent 獲取 object。


我嘗試這種方式通過 object,組件文件:

import { NbDialogService } from "@nebular/theme";

constructor(private dialogService: NbDialogService) { }

const paymentData : any = {
  service_id: 1,
  information: [{info:'test1'},{info:'test2'}],
  amount: 1000,

this.dialogService.open(AgreementComponent, {
  context: {data: paymentData}, // here i have got typescript error 
  hasBackdrop: true,
  closeOnBackdropClick: false,

Typescript 錯誤:如何修復此錯誤

輸入'{數據:任何; }' 不可分配給類型 'string | 部分的'。 Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'data' does not exist in type 'Partial'.ts(2322) dialog-config.d.ts(47, 5): The expected type comes from property 'context' 這是聲明在此處輸入 'Partial<NbDialogConfig<string | 部分>>'

我嘗試通過這種方式獲取對象,DialogComponent 文件:

import { NbDialogRef } from '@nebular/theme';

constructor(protected dialogRef: NbDialogRef<AgreementComponent>) {}

ngOnInit(): void {
console.log('dialogRef', this.dialogRef.componentRef.instance.data);

誰能告訴我如何正確傳遞和接收 object 以及如何修復 typescript 錯誤。


您正在從父組件傳遞data作為上下文中的鍵,但是 DialogComponent 中沒有data element ,因此您可以通過將其添加到 DialogComponent 來解決錯誤

@Input() data: any;

現在,如果您想在組件關閉時獲得價值,您可以使用 subscribe 方法。 假設我們有兩個組件:

  1. 對話框組件
  2. 父組件

在您的父組件中,我們將像這樣調用 DialogComponent:

this.dialogService.open(AgreementComponent, {
  context: {
    paymentData: paymentData // You should name key same as dialog component element here i have got typescript error 
}).onClose.subscribe(returnedObj => {

在您的 DialogComponent 中,我們將在 close 方法中返回我們想要的 object,如下所示:

import { Input } from '@angular/core';
import { NbDialogRef } from '@nebular/theme';

/** Here Your Component Declaration **/
export class AgreementComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() paymentData: any;

  constructor(private dialog: NbDialogRef<any>) {}

  ngOnInit(): void {

    var tempObject = {...this.paymentData}
        tempObject.extraData = 'testMe'
  close(returnedObject = null){
    this.dialog.close(returnedObject); // <- this closes the dialog. 



 this.dialogService.open(ComponentName, { context: { propertyName: propertyValue, }, }).onClose.subscribe({ next: (res) => { console.log(res); }, error: (err) => console.error(`Observer got an error: ${err}`), }); }


@Input() propertyName: any;
 // when u call your Dialog
openDialog() {
    this.dialogService.open(YourComponentCallBack, {
      context: {
        data: this.code,
// in --->YourComponentCallBack you need to get your varriable
// add this line
  @Input() data: any;


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