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Spring Boot 2.3 和 Spring 安全性 5 - 在一個模式中支持 UserDetailsService 和 OAuth2

[英]Spring Boot 2.3 and Spring Security 5 - Support UserDetailsService and OAuth2 in one schema

I'm building a Java webapp using Spring Boot 2.3.x, Spring Security 5 and Thymeleaf, running on Java 11.

該應用程序需要支持某種類型的用戶帳戶。 作為起點,我遵循 John Thompson(又名 Spring 框架大師)在他的“ Spring 安全核心:初學者到大師”課程中使用的方法。 John's approach uses Spring Data JPA and HTTP Basic authentication, where I implement the Spring interface UserDetailsService ervice and allow the app to load user credentials (username, password, roles, authorities) from the database on demand during HTTP Basic authentication. 這一切都很好。 因為我將每個用戶的角色/權限存儲在我的數據庫中,所以我可以完全控制並且可以將它們與 Spring 安全方法級注釋一起使用,如下所示: @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('user.details.read')") 同樣,這一切都很好。

約翰在課程材料中的方法的問題在於我僅限於 HTTP Basic 和存儲/管理所有用戶密碼。

昨天我試驗了 Spring Security 5 的 OAuth 2.0 功能來“使用 Facebook 登錄”。 我使用本教程頁面中的一些代碼開始。 單獨來看,這很適合我的應用程序將用戶身份驗證為 Facebook 成員。 不幸的是,這提供了一種不同類型的@AuthenticationPrincipal object,其中包含僅與 Facebook 相關的角色和權限。



  1. HTTP 基本身份驗證用戶,我管理其憑據、角色和權限。 他們的角色/權限適合我的應用程序。
  2. OAuth2 身份驗證用戶,其憑據、角色和權限不受我控制。 他們的角色/權限與我的應用程序無關(也不相關)。


  • 我的應用程序數據庫存儲分配給每個用戶的角色/權限
  • 該應用程序將支持通過 HTTP Basic 或 OAuth2 進行身份驗證(最初到 Facebook),但我的應用程序數據庫將提供角色/權限
  • 每個用戶的“唯一標識符”將是他們的 email 地址(Facebook OAuth2 將其作為屬性提供),所以我希望這可用於關聯 HTTP 基本和 OAuth2 身份驗證對象
  • 用戶可以為其帳戶設置 HTTP Basic 和 OAuth2,如果是這樣,他們可以使用任一方法登錄。 無論哪種方式,他們在我的應用程序中仍然具有相同的角色/權限。

To summarize: I just want Facebook OAuth2 to confirm 'this is an active Facebook user whose email address is xyz@example.com' and then link their Facebook account with a user account in my application.


Spring 在為每個單獨的用例(HTTP Basic 與 OAuth2)的組件提供“合理的默認值”方面做得很好。 我懷疑我需要覆蓋和/或禁用其中一些組件行為才能獲得我正在尋找的東西。 我只是不知道從哪里開始。


我在下面提供了一些我正在工作的代碼示例。 正如我上面提到的,與UserDetailsService ervice 相關的部分和為該服務提供服務的 JPA 實體已經運行良好。 我的問題本質上是“如何將 OAuth2 合並到已經工作的內容中?”。

我的WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter實現 class

@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class SpringSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    private final UserDetailsService userDetailsService;
    private final PersistentTokenRepository persistentTokenRepository;

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
        // @formatter:off
                .authorizeRequests(authorize -> {
                        // The following paths do not require the user to be authenticated by Spring Security
                        .antMatchers("/", "/favicon.ico", "/login", "/login-form", "/vendor/**", "/images/**").permitAll()
                        // Allow anonymous access to webjars
                        // Allow anonymous access to all enabled actuators
                        // This should only be relevant in a non-production environment
                // All other request paths not covered by the list above can only be viewed by an authenticated user
                // Explicitly defining a login and logout configurer will implicitly disable
                // the built-in login/logout forms provided by Spring
                .formLogin(loginConfigurer -> {
                    // If the user enters the path "/login", then display the main page (at "/").
                    // The main page contains a login form.
                            // Add an 'error' parameter to the success URL so a Thymeleaf template
                            // could conditionally display something if a login failure occurs
                .logout(logoutConfigurer -> {
                    // If the user enters the path "/logout", then log them out and then navigate to the main page
                            .logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/logout", "GET"))
                            // Add a 'logout' parameter to the success URL so the Thymeleaf template
                            // can conditionally display a friendly message upon successful logout
                // Use HTTP Basic authentication
                    .defaultSuccessUrl("/oauth2LoginSuccess", true)
                    // CSRF will break the H2 console, so ignore it
                    // The OAuth2 tutorial for Facebook says that CSRF will interfere with "/logout" via HTTP GET (I never confirmed that)
                    // REFERENCE: https://medium.com/@mail2rajeevshukla/spring-security-5-3-oauth2-integration-with-facebook-along-with-form-based-login-767e10b02dbc
                // Needed to allow the H2 console to function correctly
        // @formatter:on


Controller 我的登錄表單支持“使用 Facebook 登錄”或 HTTP 基本

public class LoginFormController {

    private final OAuth2AuthorizedClientService oauth2AuthorizedClientService;

    public String getLoginForm() {
        return "login-form";

    public String getOauth2LoginInfo(
            Model model,
            @AuthenticationPrincipal OAuth2AuthenticationToken authenticationToken) {


        // This will be something like 'facebook' or 'google' - describes the service that supplied the token
        log.info("auth token 'authorized client registration id': [{}]", authenticationToken.getAuthorizedClientRegistrationId());
        // A unique id for this user on the service that supplied the token (this is a long integer value on Facebook)
        log.info("auth token 'name': [{}]", authenticationToken.getName());

        if (!(authenticationToken.getPrincipal() instanceof OAuth2User)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Expected principal object to be of type '" + OAuth2User.class.getName() + "'");
        final OAuth2User oauth2User = authenticationToken.getPrincipal();
        // 'oauth2User.getName()' returns the same long integer value on Facebook as the call to 'authenticationToken.getName()'
        log.info("oauth2User 'name': [{}]", oauth2User.getName());
        for (String key : oauth2User.getAttributes().keySet()) {
            // For Facebook OAuth2, the 'email' attribute is most important to me.
            // The 'name' attribute may also be useful. It contains a user-friendly name like 'Jim Tough'.
            log.info("oauth2User '{}' attribute value: [{}]", key, oauth2User.getAttributes().get(key));

        OAuth2AuthorizedClient client =
        log.info("Client token value: [{}]", client.getAccessToken().getTokenValue());

        model.addAttribute("authenticatedUsername", oauth2User.getAttribute("email"));
        model.addAttribute("authenticationType", "OAuth2");
        model.addAttribute("oauth2Provider", authenticationToken.getAuthorizedClientRegistrationId());

        return "login-form";

    public String getFormLoginInfo(
            Model model,
            @AuthenticationPrincipal Authentication authentication) {


        if (!(authentication.getPrincipal() instanceof UserDetails)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Expected principal object to be of type '" + UserDetails.class.getName() + "'");
        // In form-based login flow you get UserDetails as principal
        final UserDetails userDetails = (UserDetails) authentication.getPrincipal();

        model.addAttribute("authenticatedUsername", userDetails.getUsername());
        model.addAttribute("authenticationType", "HttpBasic");
        model.addAttribute("oauth2Provider", null);

        return "login-form";


我的UserDetailsService ervice 實現 class(用於 HTTP 基本身份驗證)

public class JPAUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService {

    private final UserRepository userRepository;

    public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
        log.debug("Retrieving user details for [{}] from database", username);
        return userRepository.findByUsername(username).orElseThrow(() ->
                new UsernameNotFoundException("username [" + username + "] not found in database")



public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Integer> {

    Optional<User> findByUsername(String username);



public class User implements UserDetails, CredentialsContainer {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private Integer id;

    private String username;
    private String password;

    @ManyToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.MERGE}, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    @JoinTable(name = "user_role",
        joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "USER_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")},
        inverseJoinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "ROLE_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")})
    private Set<Role> roles;

    public Set<GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities() {
        return this.roles.stream()
                .map(authority -> {
                    return new SimpleGrantedAuthority(authority.getPermission());

    public boolean isAccountNonExpired() {
        return this.accountNonExpired;

    public boolean isAccountNonLocked() {
        return this.accountNonLocked;

    public boolean isCredentialsNonExpired() {
        return this.credentialsNonExpired;

    public boolean isEnabled() {
        return this.enabled;

    private Boolean accountNonExpired = true;

    private Boolean accountNonLocked = true;

    private Boolean credentialsNonExpired = true;

    private Boolean enabled = true;

    public void eraseCredentials() {
        this.password = null;

    @Column(updatable = false)
    private Timestamp createdDate;

    private Timestamp lastModifiedDate;


schema.sql - 創建由 Spring 中的 OAuth2 類使用的表 持久令牌存儲的安全性

CREATE TABLE oauth2_authorized_client (
    client_registration_id varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    principal_name varchar(200) NOT NULL,
    access_token_type varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    access_token_value blob NOT NULL,
    access_token_issued_at timestamp NOT NULL,
    access_token_expires_at timestamp NOT NULL,
    access_token_scopes varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
    refresh_token_value blob DEFAULT NULL,
    refresh_token_issued_at timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
    created_at timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (client_registration_id, principal_name)

當我使用我自己的 Facebook 帳戶通過 Facebook OAuth2 登錄時,來自我的LoginFormController的日志 output 看起來像這樣:

[INFO ] LoginFormController - auth token 'authorized client registration id': [facebook]
[INFO ] LoginFormController - auth token 'name': [10139295061993788]
[INFO ] LoginFormController - oauth2User 'name': [10139295061993788]
[INFO ] LoginFormController - oauth2User 'id' attribute value: [10139295061993788]
[INFO ] LoginFormController - oauth2User 'name' attribute value: [Jim Tough]
[INFO ] LoginFormController - oauth2User 'email' attribute value: [jim@jimtough.com]

我還從我的另一個監聽器 class 看到了這個日志 output:

[INFO ] AuthenticationEventLogger - principal type: OAuth2LoginAuthenticationToken | authorities: [ROLE_USER, SCOPE_email, SCOPE_public_profile]

權限ROLE_USER, SCOPE_email, SCOPE_public_profile在我的應用程序上下文中毫無意義。


您注冊一個 bean,它將 map 您的權限授予要使用的角色。

public class OAuth2LoginSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            .oauth2Login(oauth2 -> oauth2
                .userInfoEndpoint(userInfo -> userInfo

    private GrantedAuthoritiesMapper userAuthoritiesMapper() {
        return (authorities) -> {
            Set<GrantedAuthority> mappedAuthorities = new HashSet<>();

            authorities.forEach(authority -> {
                if (OidcUserAuthority.class.isInstance(authority)) {
                    OidcUserAuthority oidcUserAuthority = (OidcUserAuthority)authority;

                    OidcIdToken idToken = oidcUserAuthority.getIdToken();
                    OidcUserInfo userInfo = oidcUserAuthority.getUserInfo();

                    // Map the claims found in idToken and/or userInfo
                    // to one or more GrantedAuthority's and add it to mappedAuthorities

                } else if (OAuth2UserAuthority.class.isInstance(authority)) {
                    OAuth2UserAuthority oauth2UserAuthority = (OAuth2UserAuthority)authority;

                    Map<String, Object> userAttributes = oauth2UserAuthority.getAttributes();

                    // Map the attributes found in userAttributes
                    // to one or more GrantedAuthority's and add it to mappedAuthorities


            return mappedAuthorities;

它也可以映射為 bean 並由 spring 引導配置自動拾取。

public class OAuth2LoginSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

    public GrantedAuthoritiesMapper userAuthoritiesMapper() {



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