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如何在 azure 自動化賬戶中自動導入 Az Powershell 模塊?

[英]How to import automatically Az Powershell modules in azure automation account?

我正在嘗試使用 powershell 腳本從我的自動化運行手冊中安裝 az powershell 模塊。 但我沒有這樣做。 我已經在類似的主題中嘗試解決方案,但它對我不起作用。 代碼如下:

$AAccName = "my-aa"
$RGName = "my-rg"

$deps1 = @("Az.Accounts","Az.Profile")

foreach($dep in $deps1){
    $module = Find-Module -Name $dep
    $link = $module.RepositorySourceLocation + "/package/" + $module.Name + "/" + $module.Version
    New-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $AAccName -Name $module.Name -ContentLinkUri $link -ResourceGroupName $RGName


使用“2”參數調用“ShouldContinue”的異常:“提示用戶的命令失敗,因為主機程序或命令類型不支持用戶交互。主機試圖通過以下消息請求確認:PowerShellGet 需要NuGet 提供程序版本“”或更高版本以與基於 NuGet 的存儲庫交互。NuGet 提供程序必須在“C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies”或“C:\Users\Client\AppDataRoamingPackagePackage”中可用\ProviderAssemblies'. You can also install the NuGet provider by running ' Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force '. Do you want PowerShellGet to install and import the NuGet provider now?" 在 C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGet\\PSModule.psm1:7455 char:8 + if($Force -or $psCmdlet.ShouldContinue($shouldContinueQueryMessag... +


Install-PackageProvider:未找到提供程序“NuGet”的指定搜索條件的匹配項。 package 提供程序需要“PackageManagement”和“Provider”標簽。

您知道如何使用腳本在 Azure 自動化帳戶中添加模塊嗎?


當我使用Import-Module -Name Az.Profile -Force命令時,我收到此錯誤:


這應該是因為模塊沒有安裝在模塊目錄下。 當我從模塊庫手動添加模塊時,它可以工作。

檢查此MS 推薦的 PS 腳本以更新自動化帳戶中的模塊。 這里給出了它的參考: 使用更新運行手冊來更新特定的模塊版本。


Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT License.

Update Azure PowerShell modules in an Azure Automation account.
This Azure Automation runbook updates Azure PowerShell modules imported into an
Azure Automation account with the module versions published to the PowerShell Gallery.
Prerequisite: an Azure Automation account with an Azure Run As account credential.
.PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
The Azure resource group name.
.PARAMETER AutomationAccountName
The Azure Automation account name.
.PARAMETER SimultaneousModuleImportJobCount
(Optional) The maximum number of module import jobs allowed to run concurrently.
.PARAMETER AzureModuleClass
(Optional) The class of module that will be updated (AzureRM or Az)
If set to Az, this script will rely on only Az modules to update other modules.
Set this to Az if your runbooks use only Az modules to avoid conflicts.
.PARAMETER AzureEnvironment
(Optional) Azure environment name.
(Optional) If $false, do not login to Azure.
.PARAMETER ModuleVersionOverrides
(Optional) Module versions to use instead of the latest on the PowerShell Gallery.
If $null, the currently published latest versions will be used.
If not $null, must contain a JSON-serialized dictionary, for example:
    '{ "AzureRM.Compute": "5.8.0", "AzureRM.Network": "6.10.0" }'
    @{ 'AzureRM.Compute'='5.8.0'; 'AzureRM.Network'='6.10.0' } | ConvertTo-Json
.PARAMETER PsGalleryApiUrl
(Optional) PowerShell Gallery API URL.

[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseApprovedVerbs", "")]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [string] $ResourceGroupName,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [string] $AutomationAccountName,

    [int] $SimultaneousModuleImportJobCount = 10,

    [string] $AzureModuleClass = 'AzureRM',

    [string] $AzureEnvironment = 'AzureCloud',

    [bool] $Login = $true,
    [string] $ModuleVersionOverrides = $null,
    [string] $PsGalleryApiUrl = 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2'

$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"

#region Constants

$script:AzureRMProfileModuleName = "AzureRM.Profile"
$script:AzureRMAutomationModuleName = "AzureRM.Automation"
$script:GetAzureRmAutomationModule = "Get-AzureRmAutomationModule"
$script:NewAzureRmAutomationModule = "New-AzureRmAutomationModule"

$script:AzAccountsModuleName = "Az.Accounts"
$script:AzAutomationModuleName = "Az.Automation"
$script:GetAzAutomationModule = "Get-AzAutomationModule"
$script:NewAzAutomationModule = "New-AzAutomationModule"

$script:AzureSdkOwnerName = "azure-sdk"


#region Functions

function ConvertJsonDictTo-HashTable($JsonString) {
        $JsonObj = ConvertFrom-Json $JsonString -ErrorAction Stop
    } catch [System.ArgumentException] {
        throw "Unable to deserialize the JSON string for parameter ModuleVersionOverrides: ", $_

    $Result = @{}
    foreach ($Property in $JsonObj.PSObject.Properties) {
        $Result[$Property.Name] = $Property.Value


# Use the Run As connection to login to Azure
function Login-AzureAutomation([bool] $AzModuleOnly) {
    try {
        $RunAsConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name "AzureRunAsConnection"
        Write-Output "Logging in to Azure ($AzureEnvironment)..."
        if (!$RunAsConnection.ApplicationId) {
            $ErrorMessage = "Connection 'AzureRunAsConnection' is incompatible type."
            throw $ErrorMessage            
        if ($AzModuleOnly) {
            Connect-AzAccount `
                -ServicePrincipal `
                -TenantId $RunAsConnection.TenantId `
                -ApplicationId $RunAsConnection.ApplicationId `
                -CertificateThumbprint $RunAsConnection.CertificateThumbprint `
                -Environment $AzureEnvironment

            Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $RunAsConnection.SubscriptionID  | Write-Verbose
        } else {
            Add-AzureRmAccount `
                -ServicePrincipal `
                -TenantId $RunAsConnection.TenantId `
                -ApplicationId $RunAsConnection.ApplicationId `
                -CertificateThumbprint $RunAsConnection.CertificateThumbprint `
                -Environment $AzureEnvironment

            Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $RunAsConnection.SubscriptionID  | Write-Verbose
    } catch {
        if (!$RunAsConnection) {
            $RunAsConnection | fl | Write-Output
            Write-Output $_.Exception
            $ErrorMessage = "Connection 'AzureRunAsConnection' not found."
            throw $ErrorMessage

        throw $_.Exception

# Checks the PowerShell Gallery for the latest available version for the module
function Get-ModuleDependencyAndLatestVersion([string] $ModuleName) {

    $ModuleUrlFormat = "$PsGalleryApiUrl/Search()?`$filter={1}&searchTerm=%27{0}%27&targetFramework=%27%27&includePrerelease=false&`$skip=0&`$top=40"
    $ForcedModuleVersion = $ModuleVersionOverridesHashTable[$ModuleName]

    $CurrentModuleUrl =
        if ($ForcedModuleVersion) {
            $ModuleUrlFormat -f $ModuleName, "Version%20eq%20'$ForcedModuleVersion'"
        } else {
            $ModuleUrlFormat -f $ModuleName, 'IsLatestVersion'

    $SearchResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $CurrentModuleUrl -UseBasicParsing

    if (!$SearchResult) {
        Write-Verbose "Could not find module $ModuleName on PowerShell Gallery. This may be a module you imported from a different location. Ignoring this module"
    } else {
        if ($SearchResult.Length -and $SearchResult.Length -gt 1) {
            $SearchResult = $SearchResult | Where-Object { $_.title.InnerText -eq $ModuleName }

        if (!$SearchResult) {
            Write-Verbose "Could not find module $ModuleName on PowerShell Gallery. This may be a module you imported from a different location. Ignoring this module"
        } else {
            $PackageDetails = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -UseBasicParsing -Uri $SearchResult.id

            # Ignore the modules that are not published as part of the Azure SDK
            if ($PackageDetails.entry.properties.Owners -ne $script:AzureSdkOwnerName) {
                Write-Warning "Module : $ModuleName is not part of azure sdk. Ignoring this."
            } else {
                $ModuleVersion = $PackageDetails.entry.properties.version
                $Dependencies = $PackageDetails.entry.properties.dependencies

                @($ModuleVersion, $Dependencies)

function Get-ModuleContentUrl($ModuleName) {
    $ModuleContentUrlFormat = "$PsGalleryApiUrl/package/{0}"
    $VersionedModuleContentUrlFormat = "$ModuleContentUrlFormat/{1}"

    $ForcedModuleVersion = $ModuleVersionOverridesHashTable[$ModuleName]
    if ($ForcedModuleVersion) {
        $VersionedModuleContentUrlFormat -f $ModuleName, $ForcedModuleVersion
    } else {
        $ModuleContentUrlFormat -f $ModuleName

# Imports the module with given version into Azure Automation
function Import-AutomationModule([string] $ModuleName, [bool] $UseAzModule = $false) {

    $NewAutomationModule = $null
    $GetAutomationModule = $null
    if ($UseAzModule) {
        $GetAutomationModule = $script:GetAzAutomationModule
        $NewAutomationModule = $script:NewAzAutomationModule
    } else {
        $GetAutomationModule = $script:GetAzureRmAutomationModule
        $NewAutomationModule = $script:NewAzureRmAutomationModule

    $LatestModuleVersionOnGallery = (Get-ModuleDependencyAndLatestVersion $ModuleName)[0]

    $ModuleContentUrl = Get-ModuleContentUrl $ModuleName
    # Find the actual blob storage location of the module
    do {
        $ModuleContentUrl = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ModuleContentUrl -MaximumRedirection 0 -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location 
    } while (!$ModuleContentUrl.Contains(".nupkg"))

    $CurrentModule = & $GetAutomationModule `
                        -Name $ModuleName `
                        -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
                        -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName

    if ($CurrentModule.Version -eq $LatestModuleVersionOnGallery) {
        Write-Output "Module : $ModuleName is already present with version $LatestModuleVersionOnGallery. Skipping Import"
    } else {
        Write-Output "Importing $ModuleName module of version $LatestModuleVersionOnGallery to Automation"

        & $NewAutomationModule `
            -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
            -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName `
            -Name $ModuleName `
            -ContentLink $ModuleContentUrl > $null

# Parses the dependency got from PowerShell Gallery and returns name and version
function GetModuleNameAndVersionFromPowershellGalleryDependencyFormat([string] $Dependency) {
    if ($null -eq $Dependency) {
        throw "Improper dependency format"

    $Tokens = $Dependency -split":"
    if ($Tokens.Count -ne 3) {
        throw "Improper dependency format"

    $ModuleName = $Tokens[0]
    $ModuleVersion = $Tokens[1].Trim("[","]")

    @($ModuleName, $ModuleVersion)

# Validates if the given list of modules has already been added to the module import map
function AreAllModulesAdded([string[]] $ModuleListToAdd) {
    $Result = $true

    foreach ($ModuleToAdd in $ModuleListToAdd) {
        $ModuleAccounted = $false

        # $ModuleToAdd is specified in the following format:
        #       ModuleName:ModuleVersionSpecification:
        # where ModuleVersionSpecification follows the specifiation
        # at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/reference/package-versioning#version-ranges-and-wildcards
        # For example:
        #       AzureRm.profile:[4.0.0]:
        # or
        #       AzureRm.profile:3.0.0:
        # In any case, the dependency version specification is always separated from the module name with
        # the ':' character. The explicit intent of this runbook is to always install the latest module versions,
        # so we want to completely ignore version specifications here.
        $ModuleNameToAdd = $ModuleToAdd -replace '\:.*', ''
        foreach($AlreadyIncludedModules in $ModuleImportMapOrder) {
            if ($AlreadyIncludedModules -contains $ModuleNameToAdd) {
                $ModuleAccounted = $true
        if (!$ModuleAccounted) {
            $Result = $false


# Creates a module import map. This is a 2D array of strings so that the first
# element in the array consist of modules with no dependencies.
# The second element only depends on the modules in the first element, the
# third element only dependes on modules in the first and second and so on. 
function Create-ModuleImportMapOrder([bool] $AzModuleOnly) {
    $ModuleImportMapOrder = $null
    $ProfileOrAccountsModuleName = $null
    $GetAutomationModule = $null

    # Use the relevant module class to avoid conflicts
    if ($AzModuleOnly) {
        $ProfileOrAccountsModuleName = $script:AzAccountsModuleName
        $GetAutomationModule = $script:GetAzAutomationModule
    } else {
        $ProfileOrAccountsModuleName = $script:AzureRmProfileModuleName
        $GetAutomationModule = $script:GetAzureRmAutomationModule

    # Get all the non-conflicting modules in the current automation account
    $CurrentAutomationModuleList = & $GetAutomationModule `
                                        -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
                                        -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName |
            ($AzModuleOnly -and ($_.Name -eq 'Az' -or $_.Name -like 'Az.*')) -or
            (!$AzModuleOnly -and ($_.Name -eq 'AzureRM' -or $_.Name -like 'AzureRM.*' -or
            $_.Name -eq 'Azure' -or $_.Name -like 'Azure.*'))

    # Get the latest version of the AzureRM.Profile OR Az.Accounts module
    $VersionAndDependencies = Get-ModuleDependencyAndLatestVersion $ProfileOrAccountsModuleName

    $ModuleEntry = $ProfileOrAccountsModuleName
    $ModuleEntryArray = ,$ModuleEntry
    $ModuleImportMapOrder += ,$ModuleEntryArray

    do {
        $NextAutomationModuleList = $null
        $CurrentChainVersion = $null
        # Add it to the list if the modules are not available in the same list 
        foreach ($Module in $CurrentAutomationModuleList) {
            $Name = $Module.Name

            Write-Verbose "Checking dependencies for $Name"
            $VersionAndDependencies = Get-ModuleDependencyAndLatestVersion $Module.Name
            if ($null -eq $VersionAndDependencies) {

            $Dependencies = $VersionAndDependencies[1].Split("|")

            $AzureModuleEntry = $Module.Name

            # If the previous list contains all the dependencies then add it to current list
            if ((-not $Dependencies) -or (AreAllModulesAdded $Dependencies)) {
                Write-Verbose "Adding module $Name to dependency chain"
                $CurrentChainVersion += ,$AzureModuleEntry
            } else {
                # else add it back to the main loop variable list if not already added
                if (!(AreAllModulesAdded $AzureModuleEntry)) {
                    Write-Verbose "Module $Name does not have all dependencies added as yet. Moving module for later import"
                    $NextAutomationModuleList += ,$Module

        $ModuleImportMapOrder += ,$CurrentChainVersion
        $CurrentAutomationModuleList = $NextAutomationModuleList

    } while ($null -ne $CurrentAutomationModuleList)


# Wait and confirm that all the modules in the list have been imported successfully in Azure Automation
function Wait-AllModulesImported(
            [Collections.Generic.List[string]] $ModuleList,
            [int] $Count,
            [bool] $UseAzModule = $false) {

    $GetAutomationModule = if ($UseAzModule) {
    } else {

    $i = $Count - $SimultaneousModuleImportJobCount
    if ($i -lt 0) { $i = 0 }

    for ( ; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
        $Module = $ModuleList[$i]

        Write-Output ("Checking import Status for module : {0}" -f $Module)
        while ($true) {
            $AutomationModule = & $GetAutomationModule `
                                    -Name $Module `
                                    -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
                                    -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName

            $IsTerminalProvisioningState = ($AutomationModule.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded") -or
                                           ($AutomationModule.ProvisioningState -eq "Failed")

            if ($IsTerminalProvisioningState) {

            Write-Verbose ("Module {0} is getting imported" -f $Module)
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

        if ($AutomationModule.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded") {
            Write-Error ("Failed to import module : {0}. Status : {1}" -f $Module, $AutomationModule.ProvisioningState)                
        } else {
            Write-Output ("Successfully imported module : {0}" -f $Module)

# Uses the module import map created to import modules. 
# It will only import modules from an element in the array if all the modules
# from the previous element have been added.
function Import-ModulesInAutomationAccordingToDependency([string[][]] $ModuleImportMapOrder, [bool] $UseAzModule) {

    foreach($ModuleList in $ModuleImportMapOrder) {
        $i = 0
        Write-Output "Importing Array of modules : $ModuleList"
        foreach ($Module in $ModuleList) {
            Write-Verbose ("Importing module : {0}" -f $Module)
            Import-AutomationModule -ModuleName $Module -UseAzModule $UseAzModule
            if ($i % $SimultaneousModuleImportJobCount -eq 0) {
                # It takes some time for the modules to start getting imported.
                # Sleep for sometime before making a query to see the status
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 20
                Wait-AllModulesImported -ModuleList $ModuleList -Count $i -UseAzModule $UseAzModule

        if ($i -lt $SimultaneousModuleImportJobCount) {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 20
            Wait-AllModulesImported -ModuleList $ModuleList -Count $i -UseAzModule $UseAzModule

function Update-ProfileAndAutomationVersionToLatest([string] $AutomationModuleName) {
    # Get the latest azure automation module version 
    $VersionAndDependencies = Get-ModuleDependencyAndLatestVersion $AutomationModuleName

    # Automation only has dependency on profile
    $ModuleDependencies = GetModuleNameAndVersionFromPowershellGalleryDependencyFormat $VersionAndDependencies[1]
    $ProfileModuleName = $ModuleDependencies[0]

    # Create web client object for downloading data
    $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient

    # Download AzureRM.Profile to temp location
    $ModuleContentUrl = Get-ModuleContentUrl $ProfileModuleName
    $ProfileURL = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ModuleContentUrl -MaximumRedirection 0 -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location
    $ProfilePath = Join-Path $env:TEMP ($ProfileModuleName + ".zip")
    $WebClient.DownloadFile($ProfileURL, $ProfilePath)

    # Download AzureRM.Automation to temp location
    $ModuleContentUrl = Get-ModuleContentUrl $AutomationModuleName
    $AutomationURL = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ModuleContentUrl -MaximumRedirection 0 -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location
    $AutomationPath = Join-Path $env:TEMP ($AutomationModuleName + ".zip")
    $WebClient.DownloadFile($AutomationURL, $AutomationPath)

    # Create folder for unzipping the Module files
    $PathFolderName = New-Guid
    $PathFolder = Join-Path $env:TEMP $PathFolderName

    # Unzip files
    $ProfileUnzipPath = Join-Path $PathFolder $ProfileModuleName
    Expand-Archive -Path $ProfilePath -DestinationPath $ProfileUnzipPath -Force
    $AutomationUnzipPath = Join-Path $PathFolder $AutomationModuleName
    Expand-Archive -Path $AutomationPath -DestinationPath $AutomationUnzipPath -Force

    # Import modules
    Import-Module (Join-Path $ProfileUnzipPath ($ProfileModuleName + ".psd1")) -Force -Verbose
    Import-Module (Join-Path $AutomationUnzipPath ($AutomationModuleName + ".psd1")) -Force -Verbose


#region Main body

if ($ModuleVersionOverrides) {
    $ModuleVersionOverridesHashTable = ConvertJsonDictTo-HashTable $ModuleVersionOverrides
} else {
    $ModuleVersionOverridesHashTable = @{}

$UseAzModule = $null
$AutomationModuleName = $null

# We want to support updating Az modules. This means this runbook should support upgrading using only Az modules
if ($AzureModuleClass -eq "Az") {
    $UseAzModule = $true
    $AutomationModuleName = $script:AzAutomationModuleName
} elseif ( $AzureModuleClass -eq "AzureRM") {
    $UseAzModule = $false
    $AutomationModuleName = $script:AzureRMAutomationModuleName
} else {
     Write-Error "Invalid AzureModuleClass: '$AzureModuleClass'. Must be either Az or AzureRM" -ErrorAction Stop

# Import the latest version of the Az automation and accounts version to the local sandbox
Update-ProfileAndAutomationVersionToLatest $AutomationModuleName

if ($Login) {
    Login-AzureAutomation $UseAzModule

$ModuleImportMapOrder = Create-ModuleImportMapOrder $UseAzModule
Import-ModulesInAutomationAccordingToDependency $ModuleImportMapOrder $UseAzModule




我已經使用 azure devops 來安裝帶有 powershell 的模塊。 我試圖在運行手冊中安裝它,但沒有奏效,所以我改變了方法。


#necessary modules list
$deps1 = @("Az.Accounts","Az.Storage","Az.Compute")

foreach($dep in $deps1){
    $module = Find-Module -Name $dep
    $link = $module.RepositorySourceLocation + "/package/" + $module.Name + "/" + $module.Version
    New-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -Name $module.Name -ContentLinkUri $link -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
    if ($dep -eq "Az.Accounts") {
        #Az.Accounts is a dependency for Az.Storage and Az.Compute modules
        Write-Host "Sleeping for 180 sec in order to wait the installation of the Az.Accounts module" 
        Start-Sleep 180



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