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使用 UIViewPropertyAnimator 為 UILabel textColor 屬性設置動畫

[英]Animating UILabel textColor property with UIViewPropertyAnimator


我使用UIViewPropertyAnimator和 slider 為帶有標簽的視圖設置動畫,以手動調整動畫器的fractionComplete屬性。

在我動畫的視圖中,我有一個 UILabel 並且我想動畫它的textColor

我發現SO 答案建議像這樣為textColor設置動畫:

UIView.transition(with: yourLabel, duration: 0.3, options: .transitionCrossDissolve, animations: {
  self.yourLabel.textColor = .red
}, completion: nil)

但是,對我來說這不起作用,因為我希望 animation 根據我為動畫師設置的fractionComplete繼續。

正如評論中所說, textColor屬性不能動畫。 但是,有一種稱為顏色插值的技術,它可能是一個很好的解決方法。


extension UIColor {
var components: (r: CGFloat, g: CGFloat, b: CGFloat, a: CGFloat) {
    let components = self.cgColor.components!

    switch components.count == 2 {
    case true : 
        return (r: components[0], g: components[0], b: components[0], a: components[1])
    case false: 
        return (r: components[0], g: components[1], b: components[2], a: components[3])

static func interpolate(from fromColor: UIColor, to toColor: UIColor, with progress: CGFloat) -> UIColor {
    let fromComponents = fromColor.components
    let toComponents = toColor.components
    let r = (1 - progress) * fromComponents.r + progress * toComponents.r
    let g = (1 - progress) * fromComponents.g + progress * toComponents.g
    let b = (1 - progress) * fromComponents.b + progress * toComponents.b
    let a = (1 - progress) * fromComponents.a + progress * toComponents.a
    return UIColor(red: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: a)

然后,您只需在滑塊值更改時調用的 function 中執行此操作:

@objc func sliderChanged(_ sender: UISlider) {
     animator.fractionComplete = CGFloat(sender.value)
     yourLabel.textColor = UIColor.interpolate(from: fromColor, to: toColor, with: sender.value)



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