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如何增加 c++ 中 rdbuf 使用的緩沖區大小

[英]How to increase the buffer size used by rdbuf in c++

我正在使用下面的 c++ 代碼將文件(大小約為 1.5-2 gb)從一個位置復制到另一個位置。

#include <fstream>

int main()
    std::ifstream  src("source_path/file.mp4", std::ios::binary);
    std::ofstream  dst("destination_path/fileCopy.mp4",   std::ios::binary);

    dst << src.rdbuf();


此代碼將文件從源復制到目標大約需要 45 秒。 我知道這里rdbuf必須有一些與之相關的緩沖區大小,實際上我想增加緩沖區大小以獲得更好的性能,我該如何增加緩沖區?

這是我用來將讀取性能提高約 1.8 倍的方法:

// Open file for binary read.
ifstream in_file(file_name, ios::binary | ios::in);
// Proceed if file was successfully opened.
if (in_file.is_open()) {
    // Tried buffer size for 16 transfers. Seems a bit slower than 64.
    //const size_t bufsize = max(4096, 2 << (int32_t)log2(block_size >> 4));
    // Set buffer size for 64 transfers.
    const size_t bufsize = max(4096, 2 << (int32_t)log2(block_sizes[0] >> 6));
    auto buf = make_unique<char[]>(bufsize);
    in_file.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(buf.get(), bufsize);
    // Create block for holding lines.
    auto lmemblock = make_unique<char[]>(block_sizes[i]);
    // Move file pointer to start of block.
    // Read memblock of data into memory.
    in_file.read(lmemblock.get(), block_sizes[i]);

關鍵行是in_file.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(buf.get(), bufsize); 這增大了默認緩沖區大小,就我而言,這顯着提高了性能。


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