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*點的動態數組在重新分配后崩潰和泄漏 memory - 為什么?

[英]Dynamic array of *points crashing & leaking memory after reallocation - why?


我搞砸了一些看起來很簡單的事情。 我在這里閱讀了幾篇關於動態分配的 arrays 的帖子,但我仍然看不出哪里出錯了。

在下面的代碼中,我試圖創建一個動態分配的 Point3d 結構指針數組。 就這樣。 但是我搞砸了 memory 分配(valgrind 報告丟失了 40 個字節等),並且在多次重新分配數組時(ALLOC_COUNT > 1)它在釋放時崩潰。 我在哪里做錯了?

我只針對C99。 在 Windows、CLion 和 WSL 上的 valgrind 上執行此操作。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct Point3d_t {
    double X;
    double Y;
    double Z;
} Point3d;

size_t increment_size = 0;
size_t vertex_count = 0;
size_t current_size = 0;

void *destructVertices(Point3d **vertices) {
    if (vertices != NULL && ((current_size > 0) || (vertex_count > 0))) {
        for (int i = 0; i < current_size; ++i) {
            vertices[i] = NULL;
    return NULL;

size_t allocateVertices(Point3d **vertices) {
    const size_t new_size = current_size + 1 + increment_size;
    Point3d **expanded_items = realloc(*vertices, new_size * sizeof(Point3d *));
    if (!expanded_items) { // Allocation failed.
        free(*vertices); fprintf(stderr, "RIL: Error reallocating lines array\n");
        expanded_items = NULL; exit(0);
    else if (expanded_items == vertices) {
        expanded_items = NULL; // Same mem addr, no need to change
    else {
        vertices = expanded_items; // mem allocated to new address, point there
    current_size = new_size;
    return current_size;
/// returning the last item count, which can also be interpreted
/// as true (>0) or false (0) by the caller
size_t addVertex(Point3d point, Point3d **vertices) {
    if (vertex_count == current_size) {
        if (!allocateVertices(vertices)) return 0;
    Point3d* p = malloc(sizeof(Point3d));
    if (!p) exit(99);
    p->X = point.X;
    p->Y = point.Y;
    p->Z = point.Z;
    vertices[vertex_count] = p;
    vertex_count += 1;
    return vertex_count; // last item count

Point3d *m_vertices[1];

將 ALLOC_COUNT 增加到大於 1 的值(導致重新分配)將在解除分配時崩潰。

#define PT_COUNT 4
#define ALLOC_COUNT 1

int main() {
    increment_size = PT_COUNT;
    current_size = 0;
    vertex_count = 0;

    printf("Size of Point3d        = %zu\n", sizeof(Point3d)); // fake error
    printf("Size of *Point3d       = %zu\n", sizeof(Point3d *)); // fake error
    printf("Size of **m_vertices   = %zu\n", sizeof(m_vertices)); // fake error
    printf("Size of *m_vertices    = %zu\n", sizeof(*m_vertices)); // fake error
    printf("Size of *m_vertices[0] = %zu\n", sizeof(*m_vertices[0])); // fake error
    printf("---------------------------\n"); // fake error

    m_vertices[0] = NULL; //malloc(sizeof(Point3d*));

    // new points
    for (int i = 0; i < (PT_COUNT * ALLOC_COUNT); ++i) {
        Point3d p;
        p.X = 1.0 + (i * 0.001);
        p.Y = 2.0 + (i * 0.001);
        p.Z = 3.0 + (i * 0.001);
        const size_t n = addVertex(p, m_vertices);
        if (!n) exit(1);

    printf("vertices.Capacity      = %zu\n", current_size);
    printf("vertices.Count         = %zu\n", vertex_count);

    return 0;

最終代碼(省略了一些 fwd 聲明和 function 原型)。

如前所述,目的是管理一個動態的指針數組,沒有泄漏。 用 Valgrind 測試(它只抱怨realloc產生的未初始化空間,盡管我實際上將(void*)NULL分配給新(重新)分配的空間,但無論如何)。

省略了一些 function 指針原型 ( fn_... )。 代碼風格很奇怪,但我需要從一些現有的 C# 原型中粘貼大量代碼,所以我使用 C# 風格部分是為了更容易雙向復制粘貼。

typedef struct Point3d_t Point3d;
typedef struct Point3d_t
    double X;
    double Y;
    double Z;
} Point3d;

// This "list owner" was omitted in the OP.
typedef struct MeshVertexList_t {
    size_t AllocationsCount;
    size_t Capacity;
    size_t Count;
    size_t Increment;
    f_Add Add;
    f_allocateVertices allocateVertices;
    f_Destroy Destroy;
    Point3d **Items; // array of ptr
} MeshVertexList;
MeshVertexList *New_MeshVertexList(size_t increment) {
    MeshVertexList *mvlist = malloc(sizeof(MeshVertexList));
    mvlist->AllocationsCount = 0;
    mvlist->Capacity = 0;
    mvlist->Count = 0;
    mvlist->Increment = increment;
    mvlist->Add = Add;
    mvlist->Destroy = Destruct_MeshVertexList;
    mvlist->allocateVertices = allocateVertices;
    mvlist->Items = NULL;
    return mvlist;
// Assigned to function pointer
size_t Add(MeshVertexList *self, Point3d *point) {
    if (self->Count == self->Capacity) {
        int res = (int) allocateVertices(self);
        if (!res) return 0;
    self->Items[self->Count] = point;
    return self->Count; // last item count
// Assigned to function pointer
size_t allocateVertices(MeshVertexList *Vertices) {
    size_t new_capacity = 1;
    if (Vertices->Capacity > 0) new_capacity = Vertices->Capacity + Vertices->Increment;
    void *items_tmp = realloc(Vertices->Items, sizeof(*Vertices->Items) + new_capacity * sizeof(Point3d*));
    if (!items_tmp) {
        perror("RIL: Error reallocating lines array\n");
    } else if (items_tmp == Vertices->Items) {
        items_tmp = NULL; // Same mem addr, no need to change
    } else {
        Vertices->Items = items_tmp;
    for (int i = Vertices->Capacity; i < new_capacity; ++i) {
        Vertices->Items[i] = (void *)NULL; // Valgrind doesn't detect this!
    Vertices->Capacity = new_capacity;
    return Vertices->Capacity;
// Assigned to function pointer
void Destruct_MeshVertexList(MeshVertexList *Vertices) {
    for (int i = 0; i <= Vertices->Capacity; ++i) {
        if (Vertices->Items[i] != NULL) {
            free(Vertices->Items[i]); // deallocating point
            Vertices->Items[i] = NULL;
    Vertices->Capacity = 0;
    Vertices->Count = 0;
    Vertices->Increment = 0;
    Vertices->Add = NULL;
    Vertices->allocateVertices = NULL;
    Vertices->Items = NULL;
    Vertices = NULL;

typedef struct MeshObj_t {
    MeshVertexList *Vertices;
} MeshObj;

#define ALLOC_INCREMENT 1 // <-- debug: realloc for each added pt
#define PT_COUNT 10

int main() {
    const clock_t start = clock();
    MeshObj m;
    m.Vertices = New_MeshVertexList(ALLOC_INCREMENT);
    printf("Size of Point3d        = %zu\n", sizeof(Point3d));
    printf("Size of *Point3d       = %zu\n", sizeof(Point3d *));
    printf("Size of m_vertices     = %zu\n", sizeof(m.Vertices));
    //printf("Size of *m_vertices[0] = %zu\n", sizeof(*m_vertices[0]));
    for (int i = 0; i < (PT_COUNT); ++i) {
        Point3d *p = malloc(sizeof(Point3d));
        p->X = 1.0 + (i * 0.001);
        p->Y = 2.0 + (i * 0.001);
        p->Z = 3.0 + (i * 0.001);
        size_t n = m.Vertices->Add(m.Vertices, p);
        p = NULL;
        if (!n) exit(1);
    const clock_t stop = clock();
    const double elapsed_time = (double) (stop - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    printf("Vertices->Capacity  : %zu\n", m.Vertices->Capacity);
    printf("Vertices->Count     : %zu\n", m.Vertices->Count);
    printf("Elapsed time        : %lf ms\n", elapsed_time);
    for (int i = 0; i < m.Vertices->Count; ++i) {
        printf("%f %f %f\n", m.Vertices->Items[i]->X, m.Vertices->Items[i]->Y, m.Vertices->Items[i]->Z);
    m.Vertices = NULL;
    return 0;


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