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[英]Python: Can't compare concatenated Strings with regular Strings

對手角 Function 應該返回一個移動(字符串)。 在本例中 N 為正數 Integer 4。它是文件的第一行。 問題是,當我嘗試將 opponentsFirstTurn(從文件中讀取。在本例中為“B4”)與串聯字符串(變量以粗體顯示)進行比較時,我得到“發生了什么”(無)作為 output。 我還嘗試通過列表索引(corners[1]、corners[3] 等)進行比較並轉換為字符串,但我仍然遇到同樣的問題。 但是當我與普通 Strings("B1", "T1", "R1", "L1") 比較時,我得到了正確的 output

文件看起來像這樣:4 B4

path = "C:\hello.txt" with open(path, mode="r") as f:

n = f.readline()
opponentFirstTurn= f.readline()

**count = len(open(path).readlines(  ))
topn = "T" + str(n)
bottomn = "B" + str(n)
leftn = "L" + str(n)
rightn = "R" + str(n)**

corners = ["T1", topn, "B1", bottomn, "R1", rightn, "L1", leftn]



#T1 correct output, R4 whats going on, B1 correct output although leftn(concatenated String)

def opponentCorner()-> str:

    global opponentFirstTurn
    global corners

    if opponentFirstTurn == "T1":
        #play L1 first Turn, than always Rn
        #nextMove = rightn
        return "L1" 
    elif opponentFirstTurn== topn:

        #play R1 first turn, then always Ln
        #nextMove = leftn
        return "R1" 

    elif opponentFirstTurn == "B1":
        #play Ln first turn, then always R1
        #nextMove = "R1"
        return leftn 

    elif opponentFirstTurn== bottomn:
        #play Rn first turn, then always L1
        #nextMove = "L1"
        return rightn

    elif opponentFirstTurn == "R1":
        #play Tn first turn, then always B1
        #nextMove = "B1"
        return topn 

    elif opponentFirstTurn == corners[5]:
        #play Bn first turn, then always T1
        #nextMove = "T1"
        return bottomn

    elif opponentFirstTurn == "L1":
        #play T1 first turn, then always Bn
        #nextMove = bottomn
        return "T1" 

    elif opponentFirstTurn== leftn:
        #play B1 first turn, then always Tn
        #nextMove = topn
        return "B1"
        return "Whats going on?"

readline方法將任何尾隨的換行符保留為字符串的一部分。 因此,之后

n = f.readline()

n將是字符串'4\n' 因為這已經是一個字符串,所以str(n)沒有意義並且

bottomn = "B" + str(n)

給你bottomn = 'B4\n' 該字符串本身等於'B4'

您可以使用n = f.readline().strip()去除換行符。

如果這不能回答您的問題,您將需要提出一個更清晰的問題,最好是包含最小的完整可驗證示例的問題。 另外——請更好地格式化您的代碼。 編輯框中有一個代碼格式化工具。


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