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如何使用 Windows Powershell 自動打印到 PDF

[英]How to Automate Print to PDF with Windows Powershell

我有一個包含 n 個單詞的文件夾,excel,以及擴展名為“.Doc、.Docx、.xls、.xlsx、.ppt 等”的 powerpoint 文件。 The content of these files should be converted to PDF without altering its format using Microsoft Print to PDF option and the output files should be saved to a folder with.pdf extension automatically.

我已經嘗試使用下面的腳本,它只打印 PDF 中的空白頁。


function ConvertTo-PDF {
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
    $doc = New-Object System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument
    $doc.DocumentName = $TextDocumentPath
    $doc.PrinterSettings = new-Object System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings
    $doc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = 'Microsoft Print to PDF'
    $doc.PrinterSettings.PrintToFile = $true
    $pdf= [io.path]::Combine($file.DirectoryName, $file.BaseName) + '.pdf'
    $doc.PrinterSettings.PrintFileName = $pdf


請參閱: 使用 Powershell 輸出打印機到文件時控制 output 位置

使用本機 Powershell cmdlet,您必須解決唯一沒有 -output 參數的問題 - 但它是在那里處理的。

Function Printto-PDF ($filepath) {
       $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
       add-type -AssemblyName microsoft.VisualBasic
       add-type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
       $focus = 2000
       $FilePath = Get-Item $Filepath
       $newfile = $Filepath.basename + '.pdf'
       Start-Process $Filepath.fullname -verb Print | out-printer -name "Microsoft print to PDF"  
       start-sleep -Milliseconds $focus
       start-sleep -Milliseconds 250
       start-sleep -Milliseconds 250
       start-sleep -Milliseconds 1500


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