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如何使用正則表達式替換 Javascript 中的破折號后的字母?

[英]How to target a letter after a dash in Javascript replace using RegEx?

我這里有一個腳本,它通過按鈕的 onclick 更改文本區域中的值。 我使用 Javascript 替換與 RegEx 一起執行此操作。 所以每個數字都有一個指定的值。


 const mapper = new Map(); mapper.set("10th", "11th"); mapper.set("-", "Deleted"); mapper.set("63-51", "40"); mapper.set("121AA", "95"); mapper.set("121-I", "Deleted"); mapper.set("121-OO", "Deleted"); function fixtext() { const elm = document.getElementById("textarea1"); if (elm) { elm.value = elm.value.replace( /\b\d+(?:[AZ]|([AZ])\1|d|th|st|nd)?(|\-\d+)?\b/g, m => mapper.has(m)? mapper.get(m): m ); } }
 <textarea id="textarea1" rows="4" cols="50">121AA will become 95 and 63-51 will become 40. This should be the same for 121-I and 121-OO.</textarea> <button class="nbtngreen" onclick="fixtext()">Update</button>

因此,單擊按鈕后, 121-I應按指定變為Deleted 121-OO也是如此。

對於如何修復我正在使用的 RegEx,我將不勝感激。 提前謝謝了!

您的正則表達式僅在-之后匹配\d+ 將其更改為[AZ\d]+以匹配那里的字母或數字。


[AZ]|([AZ])\1可以簡化為([AZ])\1? .

 const mapper = new Map(); mapper.set("10th", "11th"); mapper.set("-", "Deleted"); mapper.set("63-51", "40"); mapper.set("121AA", "95"); mapper.set("121-I", "Deleted"); mapper.set("121-OO", "Deleted"); function fixtext() { const elm = document.getElementById("textarea1"); if (elm) { elm.value = elm.value.replace( /\b\d+(?:([AZ])\1?|d|th|st|nd)?(-[AZ\d]+)?\b/g, m => mapper.has(m)? mapper.get(m): m ); } }
 <textarea id="textarea1" rows="4" cols="50">121AA will become 95 and 63-51 will become 40. This should be the same for 121-I and 121-OO.</textarea> <button class="nbtngreen" onclick="fixtext()">Update</button>


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