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[英]How to copy the data from one Workbook and paste the value only in another Workbook and allow macro to run only one time?

當我不小心運行 VBA 代碼多次將數據從一個工作簿復制/粘貼到目標工作簿時,它將在目標工作表中創建具有相同數據的多行。


此外,我的 VBA 代碼會將公式復制到我的目標 Excel 文件中。
我只想復制值而不是公式。 我不確定如何在我的 VBA 代碼中使用PasteSpecial

Sub Copy_Paste_Below_Last_Cell()
    Dim wsDest As Worksheet
    Dim lDestLastRow As Long
    Set wsDest = Workbooks("Destination.xlsx").Worksheets("DataBase")
    lDestLastRow = wsDest.Cells(wsDest.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Offset(1).Row
    ' How to use PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues here?
    Sheet4.Range("B6:F6").Copy wsDest.Range("C" & lDestLastRow)
End Sub


Sub Copy_Paste_Below_Last_Cell1()
    Dim wsDest As Worksheet
    Dim lDestLastRow As Long
    Set wsDest = Workbooks("Destination.xlsx").Worksheets("DataBase")
    lDestLastRow = wsDest.Cells(wsDest.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Offset(1).Row
    If sheetWithVariable.CellWithVariable.Value = False Then
        wsDest.Range("C" & lDestLastRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
        sheetWithVariable.CellWithVariable.Value = True
    End If
End Sub


這應該這樣做。 在嘗試之前調整代碼的配置部分。

Sub TransferData()

Dim main_wb As Workbook, target_wb As Workbook, main_sheet As String
Dim r As String, target_sheet As String, first_col As Byte, col_n As Byte
Dim next_row As Long, duplicates As Byte, pasted As Byte, last_col As Long

Set main_wb = ThisWorkbook
main_sheet = "Sheet1"
r = "B6:F6" 'range to copy in the main Workbook

'target workbook path
Set target_wb = _
Workbooks.Open("/Users/user/Desktop/target workbook.xlsm")

target_sheet = "Sheet1"
first_col = 3 'in what column does the data starts in target sheet?

'turn screen updating off
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'copy from main

With target_wb.Sheets(target_sheet)

    'target info
    next_row = _
    .Cells(Rows.Count, first_col).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    'paste in target
    .Cells(next_row, first_col).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
    last_col = _
    .Cells(next_row, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

End With

pasted = last_col - (first_col - 1)

For col_n = first_col To last_col

    With target_wb.Sheets(target_sheet)

        If .Cells(next_row, col_n) = .Cells(next_row - 1, col_n) Then
             duplicates = duplicates + 1
        End If

    End With

Next col_n

If duplicates = pasted Then 'if the nº of cells pasted equals duplicates
    For col_n = first_col To last_col  'erase pasted range
        target_wb.Sheets(target_sheet).Cells(next_row, col_n).Clear
    Next col_n
End If

'turn screen updating back on
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Go “開發人員選項卡”然后按“錄制宏”或在 Excel 左下方有一個小按鈕“錄制宏”。 然后你按下它,它會為你的每次點擊、按下等自動創建代碼,所以 go 只復制和粘貼值,停止錄制宏。 您將擁有 Module1 以及如何“粘貼值”的代碼。

對於PasteSpecial function,復制和粘貼被定義為不同的操作(也就是說,不應為Copy使用Destination選項):

wsDest.Range("C" & lDestLastRow).PasteSpecial _ 

如果您希望代碼運行一次,請在工作簿中的某處添加一個變量,以指定代碼已經運行。 像這樣的東西:

Sub Copy_Paste_Below_Last_Cell()
  If sheetWithVariable.CellWithVariable.Value = False Then
    ' Put your code here
    sheetWithVariable.CellWithVariable.Value = True
  End If
End Sub


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