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java 讀寫鎖允許多次寫入

[英]java read write lock allowing multiple writes


  1. A 類操作——可以並行發生
  2. B 類操作——可以並行發生
  3. A 類操作不能與 B 類操作並行發生
  4. B 類操作非常慢——因此作為一種優化,我希望它們具有更高的優先級,但這並不是絕對必要的

作為一種快速解決方案,我使用了讀/寫鎖。 但是,由於只要有另一個正在進行的“寫入”,“寫入”就會阻塞,這還不夠好。

我想過滾動我自己的讀/寫鎖。 也許我錯過了一些圖書館? 還有其他建議嗎?

import static java.util.concurrent.Executors.*;

import java.util.concurrent.*;

import lombok.*;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.*;

 * Based on
 * http://tutorials.jenkov.com/java-concurrency/read-write-locks.html#simple
 * <p>
 * Allows for multiple writers.
 * </p>
public class ReadMultiWriteLock {

    private static final ReadMultiWriteLock lock    = new ReadMultiWriteLock();
    private int                             readers = 0;
    private int                             writers = 0;

     * Guards specified critical section for reading purposes.
     * @param criticalSection
     *            the critical section
     * @throws Throwable
     *             if this thread was interrupted or any other exception thrown
     *             from critical section
     * @return value returned by critical section
    public static <T> T readLocking(final Callable<T> criticalSection) {
        try {
            return criticalSection.call();
        } finally {

     * Guards specified critical section for reading purposes.
     * @param criticalSection
     *            the critical section
     * @throws Throwable
     *             if this thread was interrupted or any other exception thrown
     *             from critical section
     * @return always {@code null}
    public static void readLocking(final Runnable criticalSection) {

     * Guards specified critical section for writing purposes.
     * @param criticalSection
     *            the critical section
     * @throws Throwable
     *             if this thread was interrupted or any other exception thrown
     *             from critical section
     * @return value returned by critical section
    public static <T> T writeLocking(final Callable<T> criticalSection) {
        try {
            return criticalSection.call();
        } finally {

     * Guards specified critical section for writing purposes.
     * @param criticalSection
     *            the critical section
     * @throws Throwable
     *             if this thread was interrupted or any other exception thrown
     *             from critical section
     * @return always {@code null}
    public static void writeLocking(final Runnable criticalSection) {

     * Waits for writers to finish and accounts for another reader lock.
     * @throws InterruptedException
     *             if this thread was interrupted
    public synchronized void readingAquire() throws InterruptedException {
        while (writers > 0) {
            log.trace("blocking read -- {} writers running", writers);
        log.trace("aquired {} reading locks", readers);

     * Accounts for one less reader lock.
    public synchronized void readingRelease() {

     * Waits for readers to finish and accounts for another writer lock.
     * @throws InterruptedException
     *             if this thread was interrupted
    public synchronized void writingAcquire() throws InterruptedException {
        while (readers > 0) {
            log.trace("blocking write -- {} readers running", readers);
        log.trace("aquired {} writing locks", writers);

     * Accounts for one less writer lock.
    public synchronized void writingRelease() throws InterruptedException {


import java.util.concurrent.*;

import org.testng.annotations.*;

import lombok.*;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.*;

public class ReadMultiWriteLockTest {
    private static final class State {
        private enum Status {
            STARTED, ENDED

        private static final int MAX_DELAY_MS = 10;

        private Status           readStatus, writeStatus;

        static int randomDelay(final int maxMs) {
            return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, maxMs);

        static boolean randomReadWrite() {
            return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBoolean();

        int read(final int id) {
            if (Status.STARTED == writeStatus)
                throw new IllegalStateException("other thread is writing");
            readStatus = Status.STARTED;
            log.trace(">>> start reading {}", id);
            log.trace("<<< end reading {}", id);
            readStatus = Status.ENDED;
            return id;

        int write(final int id) {
            if (Status.STARTED == readStatus)
                throw new IllegalStateException("other thread is reading");
            writeStatus = Status.STARTED;
            log.trace(">>> start writing {}", id);
            log.trace("<<< end writing {}", id);
            writeStatus = Status.ENDED;
            return id;

    private static final ParallelLoop PARALLEL_LOOP = ParallelLoop.INSTANCE
        // NOTE: when running with trace may take long time

    public void shouldExclusivlyLockForReadsAndWrites() {
        val sharedState = new State();
            .run(id -> State.randomReadWrite()
                ? writeLocking(() -> sharedState.write(id))
                : readLocking(() -> sharedState.read(id)));

    @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalStateException.class)
    public void shouldFailIfNeitherLocked() {
        val sharedState = new State();
            .run(id -> State.randomReadWrite()
                ? sharedState.write(id)
                : sharedState.read(id));

    @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalStateException.class)
    public void shouldFailIfNotReadLocked() {
        val sharedState = new State();
            .run(id -> State.randomReadWrite()
                ? writeLocking(() -> sharedState.write(id))
                : sharedState.read(id));

    @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalStateException.class)
    public void shouldFailIfNotWriteLocked() {
        val sharedState = new State();
            .run(id -> State.randomReadWrite()
                ? sharedState.write(id)
                : readLocking(() -> sharedState.read(id)));

    @Test(expectedExceptions = RuntimeException.class)
    public void shouldExecuteReadingCriticalSectionWithoutValue() {
        readLocking((Runnable) () -> {
            throw new RuntimeException("reading critical section executed");

    @Test(expectedExceptions = RuntimeException.class)
    public void shouldExecuteWritingCriticalSectionWithoutValue() {
        writeLocking((Runnable) () -> {
            throw new RuntimeException("writing critical section executed");


import java.util.function.*;
import java.util.stream.*;

import lombok.*;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.*;

 * Parallel looping with specified threads, repetitions and block of code.
public final class ParallelLoop {
     * The default parallel loop; chain with {@link #parallelism} and
     * {@link #repetitions} to configure.
    public static final ParallelLoop INSTANCE = new ParallelLoop();
    private final int                parallelism;
    private final int                repetitions;

     * Constructs a default parallel loop with one thread and one repetition.
    public ParallelLoop() {
        parallelism = 1;
        repetitions = 1;

     * Runs specified function in configured loop.
     * @param function
     *            the function to run; is called with the run identifier and
     *            expected to return it
    public void run(final Function<Integer, Integer> function) {
        IntStream.range(0, repetitions)
            .forEach(id -> log.trace("run id {}", function.apply(id)));

     * Runs specified consumer in configure loop.
     * @param consumer
     *            the consumer to run; is called with the run identifier.
    public void run(final IntConsumer consumer) {
        run(id -> {
            return id;


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