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[英]How to store a value in a variable in a callback function in vuejs

在回調 function 中,我可以在 consoleLog 中打印值。 但是,無法在計算屬性中獲得該值。 它顯示未定義。 在這里完全堆疊。

  props: {
            startDate: Date,            // declare prop here
            expertId: Number | String,
            leadToOpen: Number | String,
            config: Object,
            defaultView: {
                type: String,
                default: "timeGridWeek",
            header: {
                type: Object,
                default() {
                    return {
                        left: "title",
                        center: "timeGridWeek dayGridMonth dayGrid",
                        right: "today prev,next",
            goTo: {
                type: Date,
                default: null,

data() {
    return {
        events: {
            type: Array,
                    id: 'a',
                    title: 'my event',
                    start: '2020-10-10'
        busy: false,
        displayAppointment: null,
        displayOwner: null,
        eventTypes: [
            { name: "Kundentermin", color: "#32bb60" },
            { name: "Termin bei Lead", color: "#db0630" },
            { name: "Termin ohne Kunde/Lead", color: "#3f888f" },
            { name: "Privater Termin (akzeptiert)", color: "#4682B4" },
            { name: "Privater Termin (offen)", color: "#505050" },
            { name: "Ehemaliger Termin", color: "#cdcdcd" },
        showEdit: false,
        showInfo: false,
        showModal: false,
        leadId: null,
        locale: "de",
        locales: [deLocale],
        calendarOptions: {
            headerToolbar: this.header,
            plugins: [dayGridPlugin, timeGridPlugin],
            initialView: "timeGridWeek",
            eventClick: this.eventClickHandler,
            events: null,                
            slotMinTime: "07:00:00",
            slotMaxTime: "21:00:00",
            locale: "de",
            locales: [deLocale],
            ref: "calendar",
            eventDisplay: "block",
            displayEventTime: false,
            height: "auto",
            allDaySlot: false,
            buttonText: {
                dayGrid: "Tag",
            lazyFetching: true,
            datesSet: function (dateInfo) {   /////// here is the call back function ////////
              this.startDate = dateInfo.start;
              console.log( this.startDate);


  computed: {
      dateRange: function(){
       return this.startDate;   // undefined

問題是你的回調 function。 如果你想訪問 Vue 實例,它必須是一個箭頭 function

dateSet: (dateInfo) => {
  this.startDate = dateInfo.start

在您的回調中, this不是 Vue 實例。


computed: {
   getDateRange() {
        return this.startDate;

或者你沒有在外部組件中提供 prop 值


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