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Broadcast Dispatcher.resume() 的問題 function Discord JS v12

[英]Problem with Broadcast Dispatcher .resume() function Discord JS v12

我正在編寫 Discord JS v12 中的音樂機器人,目前正在處理.pause 和,resume 命令。 它們非常簡單:代碼沒有錯誤。 這就是發生的事情:

  1. 歌曲正在播放。

  2. .pause 調用和歌曲暫停,並顯示暫停確認消息。

  3. .resume 調用並顯示恢復確認消息。

  4. 歌曲不恢復,其他一切正常,排隊。 !play 命令也是如此。


// Discord.js initialization.
const Discord = require("discord.js");

// Functions initialization.
const functions = require("../../functions.js");

// Initialization of the server specific variables data.
const serverData = require("../../serverData.json");

// The command's code goes inside an async function.
module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args, ops) => {

    /****  MESSAGE DELETION  ****/

    // Deletes the command invocation.
    await message.delete().catch(O_o => { });

    /****  CONDITIONALS  ****/

    // Fetches the guild object from the Map.
    let fetched = ops.active.get(message.guild.id);

    // Checks if there is any object in the fetched.
    if (!fetched) {

        // End of the function and message prints
        return message.channel.send(`> ${message.author}, there is no music playing or queued.`).then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 3000 }));

    // Checks if the message author is in the same voice channel as the bot.
    if (message.member.voice.channel !== message.guild.me.voice.channel) {

        // End of the function and message prints.
        return message.channel.send(`> ${message.author}, you must be in the same voice channel as the bot.`).then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 3000 }));

    // Then, check if the dispatcher is already paused.

        // End of the function and message prints.
        return message.channel.send(`> ${message.author}, the song is already paused.`).then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 3000 }));

    /****  COMMAND EXECUTION  ****/

    // If nothing made the command exit, it executes the pause.

    // Otherwise tell them in chat that they added a vote to skip.
    message.channel.send(`> ${message.member}, the current song has been paused.`).then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 4000 }));

// Command name.
module.exports.help = {
    name: "pause"


// Discord.js initialization.
const Discord = require("discord.js");

// Functions initialization.
const functions = require("../../functions.js");

// Initialization of the server specific variables data.
const serverData = require("../../serverData.json");

// The command's code goes inside an async function.
module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args, ops) => {

    /****  MESSAGE DELETION  ****/

    // Deletes the command invocation.
    await message.delete().catch(O_o => { });

    /****  CONDITIONALS  ****/

    // Fetches the guild object from the Map.
    let fetched = ops.active.get(message.guild.id);

    // Checks if there is any object in the fetched.
    if (!fetched) {

        // End of the function and message prints
        return message.channel.send(`> ${message.author}, there is no music playing or queued.`).then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 3000 }));

    // Checks if the message author is in the same voice channel as the bot.
    if (message.member.voice.channel !== message.guild.me.voice.channel) {

        // End of the function and message prints.
        return message.channel.send(`> ${message.author}, you must be in the same voice channel as the bot.`).then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 3000 }));

    // Then, check if the dispatcher is already paused.

        // End of the function and message prints.
        return message.channel.send(`> ${message.author}, the song is not paused.`).then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 3000 }));

    /****  COMMAND EXECUTION  ****/

    // If nothing made the command exit, it executes the pause.

    // Otherwise tell them in chat that they added a vote to skip.
    message.channel.send(`> ${message.member}, the current song has been resumed.`).then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 4000 }));

// Command name.
module.exports.help = {
    name: "resume"

我注意到的是,如果我修改resume命令並刪除最后一個 if 語句,檢查歌曲是否已經暫停,如果我還在 the.resume() 和另一個 extra.resume() 之前添加 a.pause() 和按照相同的步驟,它的工作原理:

  1. 歌曲正在播放。
  2. .pause 調用和歌曲暫停,並顯示暫停確認消息。
  3. .resume 調用並顯示恢復確認消息。
  4. ,resume 再次調用,歌曲繼續播放,幾乎沒有任何聲音故障。 還會在聊天中發送簡歷確認消息。
  5. .pause 被調用,歌曲暫停並發送暫停確認消息。
  6. ,resume 只調用了一次,歌曲繼續播放,幾乎沒有任何聲音故障。 還會在聊天中發送簡歷確認消息。
  7. 從現在開始,命令可以正常工作。

這是修改后的 !resume命令代碼:

// Discord.js initialization.
const Discord = require("discord.js");

// Functions initialization.
const functions = require("../../functions.js");

// Initialization of the server specific variables data.
const serverData = require("../../serverData.json");

// The command's code goes inside an async function.
module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args, ops) => {

    /****  MESSAGE DELETION  ****/

    // Deletes the command invocation.
    await message.delete().catch(O_o => { });

    /****  CONDITIONALS  ****/

    // Fetches the guild object from the Map.
    let fetched = ops.active.get(message.guild.id);

    // Checks if there is any object in the fetched.
    if (!fetched) {

        // End of the function and message prints
        return message.channel.send(`> ${message.author}, there is no music playing or queued.`).then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 3000 }));

    // Checks if the message author is in the same voice channel as the bot.
    if (message.member.voice.channel !== message.guild.me.voice.channel) {

        // End of the function and message prints.
        return message.channel.send(`> ${message.author}, you must be in the same voice channel as the bot.`).then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 3000 }));

    /****  COMMAND EXECUTION  ****/

    // If nothing made the command exit, it executes the pause.

    // Otherwise tell them in chat that they added a vote to skip.
    message.channel.send(`> ${message.member}, the current song has been resumed.`).then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 4000 }));

// Command name.
module.exports.help = {
    name: "resume"

我知道這有點奇怪,也沒有看到太多關於它的信息,但我見過很多人有同樣的錯誤。 我檢查了fetched ,它很好,所以我不知道問題是什么。 伙計們,我將 110% 感謝您的幫助。

我也有這個問題,可以通過使用 Node.js (14.15.5) 的 LTS 版本來解決

對於所有尋找解決方案的人。 dispacter.resume() 在節點 v14.16.1+ 中有錯誤,所以如果你想讓它工作,請使用節點 <=14.16.1。


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