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類問題 - 程序按預期工作,但 Visual Studio 代碼突出顯示語法錯誤

[英]Issue with Classes - Program works as intended, but visual studio code is highlighting syntax error

我的程序按預期工作,當我執行從賬戶 1 到賬戶 2 的轉賬時,它會輸出正確的值。

但是,Visual Studio 代碼在紅色下划線“self”(例如告訴我“'Account' 實例沒有'filepath' 成員)

你能幫我理解我做錯了什么嗎? 非常感謝!

這是我的代碼和下面的 output,非常感謝!

class Account:
    def __init__(self):
        filepath=self.filepath  #self is underlined here
        with open(filepath,"r") as file:
            self.balance = int(file.read())
    def withdraw(self, amount):
        self.balance -= amount
    def deposit(self, amount):
        self.balance += amount
    def transfer(self, amount, receiver):
        self.newbalance = self.balance - amount
        receiver.newbalance = receiver.balance + amount
        print(self.accountname,"balance is",self.balance) #self is underlined here
        print(receiver.accountname,"balance is",receiver.balance)
        print(self.accountname,"transfering",amount,"to",receiver.accountname) #self is underlined here
        print(self.accountname, "new balance is",self.newbalance) #self is underlined here
        print(receiver.accountname, "new balance is",receiver.newbalance) 
class Louis(Account):
    accountname = "Louis" 
    filepath = "louis.txt"
class Romain(Account):
    accountname = "Romain"
    filepath = "romain.txt"
romain = Romain()
louis = Louis()


Romain balance is 2000
Louis balance is 1000
Romain transfering 99 to Louis
Romain new balance is 1901
Louis new balance is 1099

問題是您只在子類中設置filepath 如果您嘗試創建一個Account object 而不是LouisRomain ,或者您使用另一個未設置filepath的子類,您將收到錯誤消息。 VS Code 無法知道您從不這樣做,它只是自行分析 class。

我相信 inheritance 在這里會導致一些混亂。 雖然 Louis 和 Roman 都初始化了filepath ,但賬戶基礎 class 從未初始化過filepath Visual Studio 將此標記為語法錯誤,因為如果您已初始化 Account 的實例,您的代碼將引發AttributeError 例如:

class Account:    
    def __init__(self):    
        filepath=self.filepath  #self is underlined here    
        with open(filepath,"r") as file:    
            self.balance = int(file.read())    
    def withdraw(self, amount):    
        self.balance -= amount    
    def deposit(self, amount):    
        self.balance += amount    
    def transfer(self, amount, receiver):    
        self.newbalance = self.balance - amount    
        receiver.newbalance = receiver.balance + amount    
        print(self.accountname,"balance is",self.balance) #self is underlined here    
        print(receiver.accountname,"balance is",receiver.balance)    
        print(self.accountname,"transfering",amount,"to",receiver.accountname) #self is underlined here    
        print(self.accountname, "new balance is",self.newbalance) #self is underlined here    
        print(receiver.accountname, "new balance is",receiver.newbalance)     
class Louis(Account):    
    accountname = "Louis"     
    filepath = "louis.txt"    
class Romain(Account):    
    accountname = "Romain"    
    filepath = "romain.txt"    
romain = Romain()    
louis = Louis()    
account = Account() 


Romain balance is 2000
Louis balance is 1000
Romain transfering 99 to Louis
Romain new balance is 1901
Louis new balance is 1099
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/test.py", line 38, in <module>
    account = Account()
  File "/home/test.py", line 4, in __init__
    filepath=self.filepath  #self is underlined here
AttributeError: 'Account' object has no attribute 'filepath'

您的文件路徑是 Class filepath而不是實例變量

Louis 和 Romain 需要是Account的實例

class Account:    
    def __init__(self, accountname, filepath):
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.accountname = accountname
        self.balance = 0
        with open(self.filepath,"r") as file:    
            self.balance = int(file.read())    
    def withdraw(self, amount):    
        self.balance -= amount    
    def deposit(self, amount):    
        self.balance += amount    
    def transfer(self, amount, receiver):    
        self.newbalance = self.balance - amount    
        receiver.newbalance = receiver.balance + amount    
        print(self.accountname,"balance is",self.balance)
        print(receiver.accountname,"balance is",receiver.balance)    
        print(self.accountname, "new balance is",self.newbalance)
        print(receiver.accountname, "new balance is",receiver.newbalance)     
romain = Account("Romain", "romain.txt")
louis = Account("Louis", "louis.txt")



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