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我需要如何更改這些 TypeScript mixin 類型定義,以便允許定義允許 class 擴展特征的 mixin?

[英]How do I need to change these TypeScript mixin type definitions in order to allow the definition of mixins that allow a class to extend the trait?

出於此問題的目的,將“mixin”視為 function,如https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/mixins.html 所述 在這種情況下,mixin 擴展了接收 mixin 的 class。 我正在嘗試做一些不同的事情:啟用“特征”,我在這里將其定義為可重用的類,這些類提供公共和非公共實例成員,可以由擴展特征的 class 繼承和覆蓋,這與 mixin 不同.

隨后嘗試了解決方案,但打字不太正確,這就是我堅持的部分。 請注意,這在 JavaScript 中完美運行,正如我編寫的 npm package @northscaler/mutrait所證明的那樣。


首先,這是模塊traitify.ts ,它試圖成為這個的“庫”(我知道它的類型定義不正確):

// in file traitify.ts

 * Type definition of a constructor.
export type Constructor<T> = new(...args: any[]) => T;

 * A "trait" is a function that takes a superclass `S` and returns a new class `T extends S`.
export type Trait<S extends Constructor<object>, T extends S> = (superclass: S) => T

 * Convenient function when defining a class that
 * * extends a superclass, and
 * * expresses one or more traits.
export const superclass = <S extends Constructor<object>>(s?: S) => new TraitBuilder(s)

 * Convenient function to be used when a class
 * * does not extend a superclass, and
 * * expresses multiple traits.
export const traits = <S extends Constructor<object>, T extends S>(t: Trait<S, T>) => superclass().with(t)

 * Convenient function to be used when defining a class that
 * * does not extend a superclass, and
 * * expresses exactly one trait.
export const trait = <S extends Constructor<object>, T extends S>(t: Trait<S, T>) => traits(t).apply()

 * A convenient trait applier class that uses a builder pattern to apply traits.
class TraitBuilder<S extends Constructor<object>> {
  superclass: S;

  constructor (superclass?: S) {
    this.superclass = superclass || class {} as S // TODO: remove "as S" when figured out

   * Applies the trait to the current superclass then returns a new `TraitBuilder`.
   * @param trait The trait that the current superclass should express.
  with <S extends Constructor<object>, T extends S>(trait: Trait<S, T>) {
    // we have to return a new builder here because there's no way to take a collection of traits of differing types.
    return new TraitBuilder(trait(this.superclass))

   * Return the class with all traits expressed.
  apply() {
    return this.superclass || class {}


// in file Taggable.ts

import { Constructor } from './traitify';

export interface ITaggable {
  tag?: string;

export const Taggable = <S extends Constructor<object>>(superclass: S) =>
  class extends superclass implements ITaggable {
    _tag?: string; // TODO: make protected when https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/36060 is fixed

    get tag() {
      return this._tag;

    set tag(tag) {

    constructor(...args: any[]) {

    _testSetTag(tag?: string) { // TODO: make protected
      return tag;

    _doSetTag(tag?: string) { // TODO: make protected
      this._tag = tag;


在保持示例最小但完整的同時,我必須包含一個更多的示例特征來說明當 class extend多個特征時的模式,因此這是一個可命名的特征,與TaggableNameable非常相似。

// in file Nameable.ts

import { Constructor } from './traitify';

export interface INameable {
  name?: string;

export const Nameable = <S extends Constructor<object>>(superclass: S) =>
  class extends superclass implements INameable {
    _name?: string; // TODO: make protected when https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/36060 is fixed

    get name() {
      return this._name;

    set name(name) {

    constructor(...args: any[]) {

    _testSetName(name?: string) { // TODO: make protected
      return name;

    _doSetName(name?: string) { // TODO: make protected
      this._name = name;


import { trait, superclass } from './traitify';

import test from 'ava';
import { Taggable } from './Taggable';
import { Nameable } from './Nameable';

test('express a single trait with no superclass', (t) => {
  class Point extends trait(Taggable) {
    constructor(public x: number, public y: number) {
      this.x = x;
      this.y = y;

    _testSetTag(tag?: string) {
      tag = super._testSetTag(tag);

      if (!tag) throw new Error('no tag given');
      else return tag.toLowerCase();

  const point = new Point(10, 20);
  point.tag = 'hello';

  t.is(point.tag, 'hello');
  t.throws(() => point.tag = '');

test('express a single trait and extend a superclass', (t) => {
  class Base {
    something: string = 'I am a base';

  class Sub extends superclass(Base)
    .with(Taggable).apply() {

    constructor() {

    _testSetTag(tag?: string): string | undefined {
      tag = super._testSetTag(tag);

      if (tag === 'throw') throw new Error('illegal tag value');
      return tag;

  const sub = new Sub();

  t.assert(sub instanceof Sub);
  t.assert(sub instanceof Base);

  sub.tag = 'sub';

  t.is(sub.tag, 'sub');
  t.throws(() => sub.tag = 'throw');

test('express multiple traits and extend a superclass', (t) => {
  class Animal {

  class Person extends superclass(Animal)
    .with(Taggable).apply() {

    constructor(...args: any[]) {

    _testSetName(name?: string) {
      if (!name) throw new Error('no name given');
      return name.trim();

  const person = new Person();

  t.assert(person instanceof Person);
  t.assert(person instanceof Animal);

  person.name = 'Felix';

  t.is(person.name, 'Felix');
  t.throws(() => person.name = null);

test('superclass expresses a trait, subclass expresses another trait but overrides method in superclass\'s trait', (t) => {
  class Animal extends trait(Nameable) {
    constructor(...args: any[]) {

    _testSetName(name?: string) {
      if (!name) throw new Error('no name given');
      if (name.toLowerCase().includes('animal')) throw new Error('name must include "animal"');
      return name;

  const animal = new Animal();
  animal.name = 'an animal';

  t.is(animal.name, 'an animal');
  t.throws(() => animal.name = 'nothing');

  class Person extends superclass(Animal)
    .with(Taggable).apply() {

    constructor(...args: any[]) {

    _testSetName(name?: string) {
      if (!name) throw new Error('no name given');
      if (name.toLowerCase().includes('person')) throw new Error('name must include "person"');
      return name;

  const person = new Person();
  t.assert(person instanceof Person);
  t.assert(person instanceof Animal);

  person.name = 'a person';

  t.is(person.name, 'a person');
  t.throws(() => person.name = 'an animal');
  t.throws(() => person.name = 'nothing');


src/lib/traitify.spec.ts:84:10 - error TS2339: Property 'name' does not exist on type 'Person'.

84   person.name = 'Felix';

src/lib/traitify.spec.ts:86:15 - error TS2339: Property 'name' does not exist on type 'Person'.

86   t.is(person.name, 'Felix');

src/lib/traitify.spec.ts:87:25 - error TS2339: Property 'name' does not exist on type 'Person'.

87   t.throws(() => person.name = null);

src/lib/traitify.spec.ts:127:10 - error TS2339: Property 'name' does not exist on type 'Person'.

127   person.name = 'a person';

src/lib/traitify.spec.ts:129:15 - error TS2339: Property 'name' does not exist on type 'Person'.

129   t.is(person.name, 'a person');

src/lib/traitify.spec.ts:130:25 - error TS2339: Property 'name' does not exist on type 'Person'.

130   t.throws(() => person.name = 'an animal');

src/lib/traitify.spec.ts:131:25 - error TS2339: Property 'name' does not exist on type 'Person'.

131   t.throws(() => person.name = 'nothing');

src/lib/traitify.ts:48:35 - error TS2345: Argument of type 'S' is not assignable to parameter of type 'S'.
  'S' is assignable to the constraint of type 'S', but 'S' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint 'Constructor<object>'.
    Type 'Constructor<object>' is not assignable to type 'S'.
      'Constructor<object>' is assignable to the constraint of type 'S', but 'S' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint 'Constructor<object>'.

48     return new TraitBuilder(trait(this.superclass))

Found 8 errors.

注意:如果您想在https://github.com/matthewadams/typescript-trait-test 上使用它,可以使用 Git 存儲庫。 要播放,請執行git clone https://github.com/matthewadams/typescript-trait-test && cd typescript-trait-test && npm install && npm test



TL;DR:如果您只想查看演示該模式的代碼,請點擊此處 查看main文件夾和test文件夾。

出於本次討論的目的, trait只是一個 function ,它接受一個可選的超類並返回一個新的 class ,它擴展給定的超類實現一個或多個特定於特征的接口。 這是這里看到的著名子類工廠模式和交叉類型的變體的組合。



 * Type definition of a constructor.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export type Constructor<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T

 * The empty class.
export class Empty {}

 * A "trait" is a function that takes a superclass of type `Superclass` and returns a new class that is of type `Superclass & TraitInterface`.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
export type Trait<Superclass extends Constructor<object>, TraitInterface> = (
  superclass: Superclass
) => Constructor<Superclass & TraitInterface>

這是一個Greetable特征,它賦予一個greeting屬性和一種問候某人的方法。 請注意,它包含一個用於返回的特征implements的公共行為的接口。

// in file Greetable.ts

import { Constructor, Empty } from '../main/traitify'

 * Absolutely minimal demonstration of the trait pattern, in the spirit of "Hello, world!" demos.
 * This is missing some common stuff because it's so minimal.
 * See Greetable2 for a more realistic example.

 * Public trait interface
export interface Public {
  greeting?: string

  greet(greetee: string): string

 * The trait function.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types, @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
export const trait = <S extends Constructor<object>>(superclass?: S) =>
   * Class that implements the trait
  class Greetable extends (superclass || Empty) implements Public {
    greeting?: string

     * Constructor that simply delegates to the super's constructor
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    constructor(...args: any[]) {

    greet(greetee: string): string {
      return `${this.greeting}, ${greetee}!`

以下是如何編寫 class 來表達該特征。 這是來自我的摩卡單元測試。

// in file traitify.spec.ts

  it('expresses the simplest possible "Hello, world!" trait', function () {
    class HelloWorld extends Greetable.trait() {
      constructor(greeting = 'Hello') {
        this.greeting = greeting

    const greeter = new HelloWorld()

    expect(greeter.greet('world')).to.equal('Hello, world!')

現在您已經看到了最簡單的示例,讓我分享一個更現實的“Hello,world”。 這演示了一些更有用的東西,這是另一個 Greetable 特性,但它的行為可以通過表達 class 來定制

// in file Greetable2.ts

import { Constructor, Empty } from '../main/traitify'

 * Public trait interface
export interface Public {
  greeting?: string

  greet(greetee: string): string

 * Nonpublic trait interface
export interface Implementation {
  _greeting?: string

   * Validates, scrubs & returns given value
  _testSetGreeting(value?: string): string | undefined

   * Actually sets given value
  _doSetGreeting(value?: string): void

 * The trait function.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types, @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
export const trait = <S extends Constructor<object>>(superclass?: S) =>
   * Class that implements the trait
  class Greetable2 extends (superclass || Empty) implements Implementation {
    _greeting?: string

     * Constructor that simply delegates to the super's constructor
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    constructor(...args: any[]) {

    get greeting() {
      return this._greeting

    set greeting(value: string | undefined) {

    greet(greetee: string): string {
      return `${this.greeting}, ${greetee}!`

    _testSetGreeting(value?: string) {
      return value

    _doSetGreeting(value?: string) {
      this._greeting = value

這具有包括兩個接口的關鍵特征,一個用於公共行為,一個用於非公共行為。 Public接口表示對表達特征的類的客戶端可見的行為。 Implementation接口將實現的細節表示為一個接口,並且Implementation extends Public 然后特征 function 返回一個implements Implementation的 class。

在此實現中, _testSetGreeting方法驗證、清理並返回所設置的值,而_doSetGreeting實際上設置支持屬性_greeting

現在,表示特征的 class 可以覆蓋它需要的任何內容以自定義行為。 此示例覆蓋_testSetGreeting以確保提供問候語並修剪問候語。

// in file traitify.spec.ts

  it('expresses a more realistic "Hello, world!" trait', function () {
    class HelloWorld2 extends Greetable2.trait() {
      constructor(greeting = 'Hello') {
        this.greeting = greeting

       * Overrides default behavior
      _testSetGreeting(value?: string): string | undefined {
        value = super._testSetGreeting(value)

        if (!value) {
          throw new Error('no greeting given')

        return value.trim()

    const greeter = new HelloWorld2()

    expect(greeter.greet('world')).to.equal('Hello, world!')
    expect(() => {
      greeter.greeting = ''


有時,TypeScript 仍然會出錯,通常是當您表達不止一種特征時,這是常見的。 有一個方便的方法,呃,幫助TypeScript 獲得正確類型的表達特征的類:將表達類的構造函數的 scope 減少為protected並創建一個名為new的 static 工廠方法,它返回表達 class 的實例,使用as告訴 88349418774638正確的類型是什么。 這是一個例子。

  it('express multiple traits with no superclass', function () {
    class Point2 extends Nameable.trait(Taggable.trait()) {
      // required to overcome TypeScript compiler bug?
      static new(x: number, y: number) {
        return new this(x, y) as Point2 & Taggable.Public & Nameable.Public

      protected constructor(public x: number, public y: number) {
        super(x, y)

      _testSetTag(tag?: string) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
        // @ts-ignore
        tag = super._testSetTag(tag)

        if (!tag) throw new Error('no tag given')
        else return tag.toLowerCase()

      _testSetName(name?: string) {
        name = super._testSetName(name)

        if (!name) throw new Error('no name given')
        else return name.toLowerCase()

    const point2 = Point2.new(10, 20)
    point2.tag = 'hello'

    expect(() => (point2.tag = '')).to.throw()

付出的代價相當小:您使用類似const it = It.new()的東西而不是const it = new It() 這會讓你走得更遠,但你仍然需要在這里和那里撒一個// @ts-ignore來讓 TypeScript 知道知道你在做什么。

最后,有一個限制。 如果您希望 class 表達特征擴展基類 class,如果它們具有相同的名稱,特征將覆蓋基類的方法。 然而在實踐中,這並不是一個嚴重的限制,因為一旦你采用了特征模式,它就有效地取代了傳統的extends用法。



我知道這並不完美,但效果很好。 願意看到 TypeScript 提供trait / mixin & with關鍵字,這些關鍵字是此模式的語法糖,很像Dart 的mixin & withScala 的 traits ,它與此模式類似,除了所有 scope & 類型安全問題都會得到解決(以及鑽石問題的解決方案)。

注意:已經有一個JavaScript 的 mixins 提案

這個模式我花了很長時間來識別,它仍然不對,但現在已經足夠好了。 這種特征模式在 JavaScript 中對我很有用,但我在嘗試在 TypeScript 中表現出相同的模式時總是遇到問題(而且我不是唯一的)。

現在,還有其他解決方案試圖解決這個問題,但我在這里提出的方案在簡單性、可讀性、可理解性和功能之間取得了很好的平衡。 讓我知道你的想法。


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