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Powershell Active Directory 用戶名

[英]Powershell Active Directory username

對於一個學校項目,我需要制作一個 Powershell 腳本,但是要創建一個用戶名,只有人名的第一個字母和完整的第二個名字,有人可以幫我嗎? 這是我目前擁有的:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# password for accounts
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "Welkom#1" -AsPlainText -Force

# Import the file into a variable
$users = Import-Csv -Path .\New-GaastraUserBulk.csv

# Loop trough each row, and gather Information
ForEach ($user in $users) {

    # Gather the user Information 
    $fname = $user.FirstName
    $lname = $user.LastName
    $jtitle = $user.JobTitle
    $OUpath = $user.OU
    Write-Host $fname
    Write-Host $lname
    Write-Host $jtitle
    Write-Host $OUpath

    #Gebruiker aanmaken in AD 
    New-ADUser -Name "$fname $lname" -GivenName $fname -SamAccountName $lname  -Surname $lname -UserPrincipalName "$lname" -Path $OUpath -AccountPassword $securePassword -PasswordNeverExpires $true -Enabled $true

根據其他人的評論。 $lname =...之后添加這一行

$sam = "{0}$lname" -f $fname.Substring(0,1)


New-ADUser .... -SamAccountName $sam ...


您可以很容易地創建用戶的 SamAccountName,將用戶 GivenName 的第一個字符與完整的 LastName 結合起來。 但是,您需要檢查此 SamAccountName 是否尚未在使用中。


要改進您的代碼,還可以使用 Splatting:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# password for accounts
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "Welkom#1" -AsPlainText -Force

# Import the file into a variable
$users = Import-Csv -Path .\New-GaastraUserBulk.csv

# Loop trough each row, and gather Information
foreach ($user in $users) {
    # first create the desired SamAccountName for the new user
    $accountName = "{0}{1}" -f $user.FirstName.Substring(0,1),$user.LastName 

    # test if a user with that SamAccountName already exists
    $checkUser = Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$accountName'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($checkUser) {
        Write-Warning "SamAccountName $accountName already used for user $($checkUser.Name)"
    else {
        # create a hashtable with all parameters for the New-ADUser cmdlet
        $userParams = @{
            Name                 = "$fname $lname"
            GivenName            = $user.FirstName
            Surname              = $user.LastName
            Title                = $user.JobTitle
            SamAccountName       = $accountName
            Path                 = $user.OU
            AccountPassword      = $securePassword
            PasswordNeverExpires = $true
            Enabled              = $true
            UserPrincipalName    = "$accountName@yourdomain.com"  # <-- put YOUR domain here after the '@'
            # other parameters go here if needed

        New-ADUser @userParams

另外,請記住,您不能只對 SamAccountName 使用任何字符。 字符" [ ]: ; | = + *? < > / \, @是非法的,以及不可打印的字符和點.不能是名稱的最后一個字符。
並且,系統將用戶對象的 sAMAccountName 限制為 20 個字符。


$accountName = ($accountName -replace '["\[\]:; |=+\*\?<>/\\,@]').TrimEnd(".") -replace '^(.{1,20}).*', '$1'


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