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Android 11 - Unable to extract the trust manager on AndroidPlatform, sslSocketFactory is class com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLSocketFactoryImpl

[英]Android 11 - Unable to extract the trust manager on AndroidPlatform, sslSocketFactory is class com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLSocketFactoryImpl

Android 11 - Unable to extract the trust manager on AndroidPlatform, sslSocketFactory is class com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLSocketFactoryImpl

問題僅適用於 Android 11 設備


     * Sets the socket factory used to secure HTTPS connections. If unset, the system default will
     * be used.
     * @deprecated [SSLSocketFactory] does not expose its [X509TrustManager], which is a field that
     *     OkHttp needs to build a clean certificate chain. This method instead must use reflection
     *     to extract the trust manager. Applications should prefer to call
     *     `sslSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory, X509TrustManager)`, which avoids such reflection.
        message = "Use the sslSocketFactory overload that accepts a X509TrustManager.",
        level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR
    fun sslSocketFactory(sslSocketFactory: SSLSocketFactory) = apply {
      if (sslSocketFactory != this.sslSocketFactoryOrNull) {
        this.routeDatabase = null

      this.sslSocketFactoryOrNull = sslSocketFactory
      this.x509TrustManagerOrNull = Platform.get().trustManager(sslSocketFactory) ?: throw IllegalStateException(
          "Unable to extract the trust manager on ${Platform.get()}, " +
              "sslSocketFactory is ${sslSocketFactory.javaClass}")
      this.certificateChainCleaner = Platform.get().buildCertificateChainCleaner(x509TrustManagerOrNull!!)


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