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HashMap 的合並密鑰

[英]Merging keys of a HashMap

我正在從數據庫中獲取數據並制作 map,如下所示:

   List<MyBO> data = callDatabase();

   //here I am grouping the channels by run date
    Map<String, List<String>> groupDatesByChannel = data .parallelStream().collect(
                        Collectors.mapping(MyBO::getRunDate, Collectors.toList())));

現在的問題是,對於其中一個通道,運行日期是每小時一次,即通道上的批處理每小時運行一次,因此從數據庫中獲取的特定源運行日期的形式是 yyyyMMddHH,而不是 yyyyMMdd。

我的代碼適用於運行日期為 yyyMMdd 格式的頻道,我上面的 map 示例(groupDatesByChannel)如下:

Channel_2[20200101 , 20200103 , 20200107],
Channel_5[20200103 ]
Channel_7[20200102 , 20200104 ]


Channel_1[**2020010100,2020010101...2020010123,20200101**, 20200102, 20200104 ],
Channel_2[20200101 , 20200103 , 20200107],
Channel_5[20200103 ]
Channel_7[20200102 , 20200104 ]   

    Channel_1[**20200101**, 20200102, 20200104 ],
    Channel_2[20200101 , 20200103 , 20200107],
    Channel_5[20200103 ]
    Channel_7[20200102 , 20200104 ]

即我想合並所有相同的日期,無論是在 yyyyMMddHH 還是 yyyyMMdd fromat。


public static Map<String, List<String>> mergeData(Map<String, List<String>> originalData){

    Map<String, List<String>> mergedData = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();

    for(String key : originalData.keySet()){
        // Cleaning the key string. Removing *'s
        String trimmedKey = key.replaceAll("\\*","");
        // Trimming the key string. Trimming the hour digits, so that key will only contain date value
        String dateOnlyKey = trimmedKey.substring(0,8);
        // If mergedData already has the key, add values to the list.
            // Adding directly to the list may create duplicate entries. So, appending all data to HashSet and writing back to list
            // If having duplicates is ok, next two lines can be ommitted and third line would be mergedData.get(dateOnlyKey).addAll(originalData.get(key));
            Set<String> channels = new HashSet<String>(mergedData.get(dateOnlyKey));
            mergedData.put(dateOnlyKey, new ArrayList<String>(channels));
        // If mergedData doesn't have the key, add the new entry
            mergedData.put(dateOnlyKey, originalData.get(key));
    return mergedData;



  1. 新建 HashMap
  2. 從原始數據中讀取每個鍵值對
  3. 修剪鍵以僅包含日期值
  4. 使用 trimmedKey 將值插入新的 HashMap

您可以運行代碼並自行檢查。 對我來說工作得很好。

實現這一目標的最簡單方法是僅將 DateTime 的前 8 個字符用於分組。

Map<String, List<String>> groupDatesByChannel = data .parallelStream().collect(
            Collectors.groupingBy(myBO -> myBO.getChannelName().substring(0,8),
                    Collectors.mapping(MyBO::getRunDate, Collectors.toList())));


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