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比較 String 和 MVC 的 String 值

[英]Compare String with String value of MVC


現在我有一個名為TimeSelModel的 class 處理有 model function


struct Section<T> { 
   let model: [T] 

struct TimeSelModel {
    let hour: String
    let minute: String

let dataSec0 = [
    TimeSelModel(hour: "09", minute: ":30"),
    TimeSelModel(hour: "17", minute: ":00")

let dataSec1 = [
    TimeSelModel(hour: "12", minute: ":00"),
    TimeSelModel(hour: "19", minute: ":00")


private var data: [Section<TimeSelModel>] = []

private func fetchData() -> Void {
        data = [Section(model: dataSec0), Section(model: dataSec1)]

func numberOfSections(in collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int { data.count }
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        data[section].model.count }
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
        let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: TimeSelCell.cellID, for: indexPath) as! TimeSelCell
        cell.dataModel = data[indexPath.section].model[indexPath.item]
        return cell

現在我需要在一個單獨的 function 中將string與我正在使用的 model 值進行比較

例如,我需要比較 model 值中的值“12”string

let dataSec0 = [
        TimeSelModel (hour: "09", minute: ": 30"),
        TimeSelModel (hour: "17", minute: ": 00")
let dataSec1 = [
        TimeSelModel (hour: "12", minute: ": 00"),
        TimeSelModel (hour: "19", minute: ": 00")

將它放入我的 controller 的最佳和最干凈的方法是什么?


let hourValue = "12"
if let index = data.firstIndex { section in section.model.contains { $0.hour == hourValue } } {
    let section = data[index]

let timeValue = "17:00"
if let index = data.firstIndex { section in section.model.contains { $0.time == timeValue } } {
    let section = data[index]


struct TimeSelModel {
    let hour: String
    let minute: String

    var time: String {

請注意,它添加了一個“:”,因為我認為在分鍾字符串中包含冒號不是一個好主意,而不是“:00”或“:00”,它應該只是“00”。 (甚至可以爭辯說小時和分鍾應該是整數,但這不在此答案的 scope 范圍內)


字符串與myTime.hour < "12"的 unicode 值相當。

這意味着"0" < "1"為真

但是"2" < "12"是假的

In your case, you should compare strings with the Foundation's function https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsstring/1408732-compare and give the options parameter .numeric : https://developer.apple.com/documentation /foundation/nsstring/compareoptions/1415530-numeric

switch myTime.hour.compare("12", options: [.numeric]) {
    case .orderedAscending:
        // myTime.hour < "12"

    case .orderedSame:
        // myTime.hour == "12"

    case .orderedDescending:
        // myTime.hour > "12"

但我建議使用 Int 或 TimeInterval 更改您的 model 並使用 function 將您的 model 轉換為您想要的可讀字符串


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