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如何在 javascript 中制作 css 代碼?

[英]How can I make the css code in javascript?

With this CSS I make the animation of the three Divs, said animation consists of putting the second div on top of the first, passing the first one back and moving the third div to the second position and thus showing all the divs one by one.

 html, body { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: hidden; }.card{ position: absolute; transform: scale(0.75); height:200px; width:300px; animation-name: cards-animation; animation-iteration-count:infinite; animation-duration: 6s; }.card-blue{ background-color:blue; animation-delay: 1s; }.card-red{ background-color:red; animation-delay: 3s; }.card-green{ background-color:green; animation-delay: 5s; } @keyframes cards-animation { 0% { transform: scale(0.75); z-index: 0; } 9% { transform: scale(0.9) translateY(40px); z-index: 2; } 33% { transform: scale(0.9) translateY(40px); z-index: 2; } 42% { transform: translateY(80px); z-index: 3; } 66% { transform: translateY(80px); z-index: 3; opacity: 1; } 75% { transform: translateY(130px); opacity: 0; } 80% { transform: scale(0.75) translateY(40px); opacity: 0; z-index: 1; } 90% { transform: scale(0.75); opacity: 1; z-index: 1; } }
 <div class="card card-blue"></div> <div class="card card-red"></div> <div class="card card-green"></div>

What I need is to know how I can pass the CSS code that makes that animation to a Javascript code, I mean to have the same animation but instead of doing it with CSS, do it with Javascript in order to have more control over it.

<div class="card card-blue"></div>
<div class="card card-red"></div>
<div class="card card-green"></div>

Javascript 理論上可以做任何 css 可以做的事情 - 這只是很多(很多)工作。 對於動畫,您需要的工具是window.requestAnimationFrame(callback) - 這允許您將 animation 任務排隊等待下一個渲染幀。 通過遞歸調用window.requestAnimationFrame您可以在每一幀上執行更新,並通過使用performance.now()來測量您可以實時執行更新的時間。


 let applyLeftSinAnimation = (item, hz, px) => { // `hz` controls oscillations per second // `px` controls oscillation magnitude in pixels // Returning `result` from this function provides a way to stop the // animation: // let controlAnim = applyLeftSinAnimation(someElem); // controlAnim.stop(); // Stops the animation let result = { active: true, stop: () => result.active = false }; // Get initial time let ms = performance.now(); // We can compile a number of factors into a single coefficient let sinMult = Math.PI * 2 * hz * (1/1000); // Add an async animation loop to the event loop (async () => { while (result.active) { // Wait for the next animation frame to be ready await new Promise(r => window.requestAnimationFrame(r)); // Get millisecond delta let dms = performance.now() - ms; // Apply custom animation based on millisecond delta item.style.left = (px * Math.sin(dms * sinMult)).toFixed(2) + 'px'; } })(); return result; }; applyLeftSinAnimation(document.querySelector('.item'), 1, 100);
 html, body { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: hidden; }.item { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 50%; margin-left: 50%; margin-top: -25px; width: 50px; height: 50px; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #000; }
 <div class="item"></div>

 var elems = document.getElementsByClassName('item'); var countItem = 1; var totalSecond = 0; myFunction(); function myFunction() { for (var i = 0; i < countItem; i++) { var transY = parseFloat(elems[i].getAttribute("transy")); var margin = parseFloat(elems[i].getAttribute("margin")); var get = elems[i].getAttribute("get"); if (get === "n") { transY = transY + 1; margin = margin + 1; if (transY >= 100 && transY < 130) zindex = "1"; else if (transY >= 130 && transY < 160) zindex = "2"; else if (transY >= 160 && transY <= 190) zindex = "3"; } else { transY = 100; margin = margin - 2; if (margin < 0) { if (get === "n") { elems[i].setAttribute("get", "r"); } else { elems[i].setAttribute("get", "n"); } } zindex = "0"; } elems[i].style.width = (transY) + 'px'; elems[i].style.height = (transY) + 'px'; elems[i].style.opacity = 1; elems[i].style.zIndex = zindex; elems[i].style.marginTop = margin + 'px'; elems[i].style.marginLeft = (transY *.5) + 'px'; if (transY >= 190) { if (get === "n") { elems[i].setAttribute("get", "r"); } else { elems[i].setAttribute("get", "n"); } } elems[i].setAttribute("transy", transY); elems[i].setAttribute("margin", margin); } totalSecond = totalSecond + 20; if (totalSecond > 1000) { if (countItem < elems.length) { countItem = countItem + 1; } totalSecond = 0; myVar = setTimeout(myFunction, 150); } else myVar = setTimeout(myFunction, 20); }
 .item { position: absolute; top: 20%; width: 100px; height: 100px; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #000; background: white; opacity: 1; margin-top: 0; }
 <div style="height:700px;width:300px;background:black;position:relative;margin:auto;"> <div class="item" transy="100" get="n" margin="0" style="background:blue;opacity:0;"></div> <div class="item" transy="100" get="n" margin="0" style="background:green;opacity:0;"></div> <div class="item" transy="100" get="n" margin="0" style="background:red;opacity:0;"></div> </div>


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