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[英]“does not necessarily outlive the lifetime” issue

我的目標是擁有一個包含各種Entry項目的Store Entry項目可以比 store 本身壽命更長,因此Store保留一個Vec<&Entry> ( playground ):

struct Entry {
    title: String,
    content: String,

struct Store<'a> {
    // name: String,
    entries: Vec<&'a Entry>,

impl<'a> Store<'a> {
    fn new() -> Store<'a> {
        Store {
            // name,
            entries: Vec::new(),

    fn add_entry(self: &mut Store, entry: &Entry) {

fn main() {
    let entry = Entry {
        title: "my title",
        content: "my content",
    let mut store = Store::new();
error[E0308]: mismatched `self` parameter type
  --> src/main.rs:19:24
19 |     fn add_entry(self: &mut Store, entry: &Entry) {
   |                        ^^^^^^^^^^ lifetime mismatch
   = note: expected struct `Store<'a>`
              found struct `Store<'_>`
note: the anonymous lifetime #2 defined on the method body at 19:5...
  --> src/main.rs:19:5
19 |     fn add_entry(self: &mut Store, entry: &Entry) {
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: ...does not necessarily outlive the lifetime `'a` as defined on the impl at 11:6
  --> src/main.rs:11:6
11 | impl<'a> Store<'a> {
   |      ^^

error[E0308]: mismatched `self` parameter type
  --> src/main.rs:19:24
19 |     fn add_entry(self: &mut Store, entry: &Entry) {
   |                        ^^^^^^^^^^ lifetime mismatch
   = note: expected struct `Store<'a>`
              found struct `Store<'_>`
note: the lifetime `'a` as defined on the impl at 11:6...
  --> src/main.rs:11:6
11 | impl<'a> Store<'a> {
   |      ^^
note: ...does not necessarily outlive the anonymous lifetime #2 defined on the method body at 19:5
  --> src/main.rs:19:5
19 |     fn add_entry(self: &mut Store, entry: &Entry) {
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

在這種情況下,錯誤 E0308不是很有幫助。


我確信這是非常基本的東西,但我無法通過閱讀Rust 編程語言直到第 15 章來弄清楚。

修復錯誤以使其編譯: add_entry應如下所示:

fn add_entry(&mut self, entry: &'a Entry) {

即您必須明確指定entry的生命周期。 您的Store假定其Entry具有一定的生命周期。 如果add_entry沒有顯式存儲這個生命周期, Rust 會嘗試推斷自動生命周期 - 它不能證明entry的生命周期實際上是您的Store需要的生命周期。

如果您像以前一樣離開add_entry ,則基本上可以像這樣調用它store.add_entry(&Entry{...}) (即,您可以傳遞對臨時條目的引用)。 此臨時條目將 go 超出范圍/在語句之后。 因此, Rust 不允許將其放入entries ,因為它會指向已刪除(讀取:無效)的值。



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