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在 Haskell 中是否可以先編寫包羅萬象的模式? 還是使用“負面”模式?

[英]Is it possible in Haskell to write the catch-all pattern first? Or use “negative” pattern?

有時,如果模式規則需要一些特殊的 rhs,通過where使其更具可讀性,我最終會得到這樣的結果

data D = A | B | C
func :: D -> b
func A = special_case
    special_case = other helper
    other = aaaa
    helper = bbb
func _ = bla

where 包羅萬象的模式似乎與其他模式相去甚遠,因為where很長。 如果我能寫出這樣的東西就好了:

func :: D -> b
func !A = bla -- imaginary syntax
func A = special_case
    special_case = other helper
    other = aaaa
    helper = bbb



isA :: D -> Bool
isA A = True
isA _ = False

func :: D -> b
func d | not (isA d) = bla
func A = special_case where ...

(您可以交替實現isn'tA來避免not 。但是,雖然我經常看到像isA這樣定義的函數,但我不相信我曾經在野外見過isn'tA的類似物。)

對於編譯器來說,這個匹配是否完整可能並不明顯。 你可以像這樣解決這個問題:

type A'sFields = () -- your specific D doesn't have any fields for A,
                    -- but this pattern is general enough to use for
                    -- constructors that do

fromA :: D -> Maybe A'sFields
fromA A = Just ()
fromA _ = Nothing

func :: D -> b
func d = case fromA d of
    Nothing -> bla
    Just () -> special_case where ...


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